The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Affordable housing must be protected

- Alan Chartock Capitol Connection

In 1967, the Riverside Neighborho­od Assembly House opened on the West Side of Manhattan on 96th Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues. It was one of the first, if not the first, of the Mitchell-Lama buildings in Manhattan. The idea was to make sure that common folks who could not afford the high rentals could remain in the neighborho­ods of New York.

I recently heard that the average rental of a one bedroom apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan runs $3,400 a month. That’s a lot of money. People I know in the RNA House are paying about $600 a month for a one bedroom. To this day, the Mitchell-Lama program has some pretty strict rules. In order to get one of these apartments, you have to be on the waiting list and meet certain criteria. You have to fit between certain economic guidelines and because there aren’t enough apartments to go around, you may have to wait on the list for years to buy shares in a cooperativ­e building. Like other co-ops, you don’t own your apartment. Rather, you own shares in the building but you get to use the apartment. If you are allowed to buy into the building, the rule is that when you leave, you have to surrender your shares at the price you originally paid in plus a prorated share of the amortizati­on while you were there.

You may wonder why I am writing about the RNA House, now an incredible 50 years old. It is so important to me because it was my mother who thought up and gave birth to the place, just as she gave birth to my brother and me. My mom, Shirley Chartock (later reverting to her given name of Sarah), was the school community coordinato­r on the West Side of Manhattan. She thought up the Riverside Neighborho­od Assembly (after whom the build- ing is named) whose job it was to bring the people and the schools together and she sponsored an awful lot of conference­s and theater parties to make it all happen. She worked incredibly hard at it and then she taught in the evenings at Hunter College in the education department. She founded the Fire Island Youth Group and ran that for many summers.

My mother was at the forefront of those folks who believed that there should be a place, an integrated place, where people could live when so many were being forced out of their neighborho­ods. When the Mitchell-Lama program originated, thanks to Mayor Robert Wagner and a cadre of assistants (Warren Moscow and Robert Moses among them), my mom saw an opportunit­y for the Riverside Neighborho­od Assembly to sponsor a first. I seem to remember Bob Wagner laying it all out in our living room. That’s why I’m not happy about the latest developmen­t in the long history of the RNA House -- they are trying to mess with my mom’s legacy.

All these years later, there is a move to change the Mitchell-Lama co-ops so that the apartments people could actually afford would be privatized. That means some of the people who are the cooperator­s want to own their apartments and sell them at current market prices and, of course, make out like bandits. The whole idea of affordable housing was to make real middle class, integrated housing a reality. After 20 years in the program, the law allows the cooperator­s to vote on whether to privatize. In most cases, people have been true to the mission but in others, they have been understand­ably greedy. Soon the RNA House will have to decide. My mom, whose name is not up there on the plaque even though it was her project from start to finish, will be rolling in her grave if the cooperator­s fighting the privatizat­ion should lose. Then a good idea would have gone sour. Too bad.

“My mothe rwas at the forefront of those folks who believed that there should be a place, an integrated place, where people could live when somany were being forced out of their neighborho­ods.”

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