The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Trump more than a ‘moron’


National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster’s calling Trump an “idiot” and “dope” with the intelligen­ce of a kindergart­ner buttresses Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s opinion of Trump as a “moron.” May I, not an appointee, just a mere citizen unable to view him up close and personal in the White House join in?

Trump is a cheat, an inveterate liar even when faced with refuting facts, an insatiable egomaniac needing constant stroking of his ego. He is vengeful and cruel even when speaking to Gold Star parents and war heroes. He is a selfconfes­sed sexual predator. I could add “sociopath” but I’ll leave that to psychiatri­sts and psychologi­sts.

But I would like to invite Claudia Tenney to jump in and add some nouns and adjectives of her choosing. My guess is that she would take the knee with properly worshipful words.

United Way a fantastic organizati­on

The United Way of Greater Oneida is an organizati­on that helps 15 different LOCAL agencies that partner and support with the people in our community. The agencies we support offer food to feed people, help shelter people in distress, and assist in many other beneficial ways to make sure there is a place to go for someone in need.

This is my 4th year on the Board of Directors for the United Way. In what I have seen in my short time on the board is how hard these agencies work to help each and every person that comes to them. Previous to my time on the board I had always donated to the United Way (by way of payroll deduction) not really having an idea of what they do or where the money is going. I can easily say that being a part of the United Way has opened my eyes and I have been truly amazed at the hard work and dedication that these agencies put forth to help people in our community.

We as the United Way volunteers can only help these organizati­ons with the generous support of our community. Remember your donations stay right here and help fund programs for the 15 agencies in our community. Please consider making a difference in our community by making your donation to the United Way of Greater Oneida.

Donations can be mailed to The United Way of Greater Oneida, P.O. Box 648, Oneida, N.Y. 13421 or may be securely processed through PayPal on our web-site: unitedwayo­fgreateron­ Help bring some hope to people who really are in need.

About letters to the editor

The Oneida Daily Dispatch welcomes letters about local topics or from local people online and in print. Subject to an upper limit of 500 words, letters may be edited for length or taste.

Letters containing things such personal attacks, namecallin­g, libel, obscenitie­s or obvious falsehoods won’t be printed.

Email letters to LFurman@ OneidaDisp­ or mail them to: Letters to the Editor The Oneida Daily Dispatch 130 Broad St., Oneida NY 13421

Include your name and city or town, which will be published, and for verificati­on purposes, your daytime phone number, which won’t be published.

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