The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Son Has Yet to Pay Back Loan

- “Ask Me Anything: A Year of Advice From Dear Annie” is out now! Annie Lane’s debut book — featuring favorite columns on love, friendship, family and etiquette — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit http:// www.creatorspu­ for more info

DEARANNIE » A few years ago, one of my sons needed funds for support during some difficult times. I explained that I would help but that I needed the funds to be returned. His spouse was checking other avenues to gather it.

It has now been over three years since the loan was given. In that time, they have purchased a second vehicle and even gone on a vacation to Disney World.

Recently, they were having an issue with one of their cars. My husband (my son’s stepfather) fixed it for them. When my son asked how much he owed for the repair, my husband said, “Just pay your mom what you owe her.”

I have yet to receive the money, and we have had several family functions. I love my family, but I am not an ATM. This hurts me to my heart. I raised my kids as a single mom and a veteran and thought I instilled good values in them. I guess that doesn’t all.— apply to Confused and Disappoint­ed

DEAR CONFUSED AND DISAPPOINT­ED » Your son should keep his word and pay you back without your having to prompt him, but “should” doesn’t put money in the bank. It’s time to speak up and speak firmly. As you said, you’re not an ATM. You’re an autonomous person with a voice. Now use it. Tell your son directly — not just through your husband — that you expect him to pay you back in full within three months (or however long you deem acceptable). Draft up a contract with a timetable, and have him sign it. There’s no guarantee of his repayment unless you want to get an attorney involved, and I don’t get the impression you do. But he might be moved (i.e., shamed) to action once he sees how se- rious you are.

Lastly, don’t blame yourself for his lack of accountabi­lity. No matter how strongly we impress values upon our children, it’s up to them to see that they stick in adulthood.

DEARANNIE » I have read your column for quite some time, but I didn’t think I would ever write to you. My question is about etiquette.

Is it right to invite someone to a social gathering and then disinvite the person? My significan­t other invited everyone at a party to our home for a party a few weeks later without consulting me. I was upset and told my significan­t other so. My significan­t other got angry and disinvited everyone (without telling me) the next day. The only reason I found out is that I was speaking to someone about what she could bring. That’s when she told me that it had been called off. This is not the first time, and now I am afraid to open my mouth. Should I go ahead and re-invite everyone?

— Afraid to Speak Up

DEAR AFRAID TO SPEAK UP » Is it wrong to disinvite people from a party? Yes. Should you re-invite all your friends? At this point, that might give them whiplash. Let the idea rest for now, and perhaps aim to have a get-together in the near future — one that you and your partner plan together from the outset. And that touches on the bigger issue here, which is not etiquette but communicat­ion. You both need to figure out what’s getting in the way of your communicat­ing honestly and openly. If fear of each other’s anger or disappoint­ment is preventing you two from sharing your feelings, soon there won’t be much left to discuss.

DEARANNIE » I wrote this list after saying goodbye to my beloved dog, Capra, and thought you might share it with readers.

10 Things My Dog Taught Me

10) There is great beauty in the quiet stillness. Let it envelop you.

9) Sniff it. Touch it. Feel it. Taste it. Hear it. Engage all your senses in the world around you.

8) Plunge in. You can always get out and shake it off.

7) Don’t be afraid. Just stand your ground. And bark loudly when truly necessary — especially if a big ol’ bear is in your backyard.

6) Trust that most people have an innate goodness.

5) Forgive fully — and let it go.

4) Love is truly unconditio­nal. If it has conditions, it isn’t really love.

3) Accept the inevitable with peace and grace — even while the vet is taking your temperatur­e.

2) It’s OK to feel sadness, but remember that joy is just a squirrel chase away.

And the No. 1 thing my dog taught me: Live in the moment. Embrace it. Feel it. Become it. Share it. Then repeat for the next moment and all the moments that follow. Life is not about the quantity of moments; it’s about appreciati­ng the quality of moments.

— Dana Riley

DEARDANA » Thank you so much for sharing this letter. Man could stand to learn a lot from his best friend. May Capra rest in peace.

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Annie Lane

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