The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

God will ease the burdens you carry

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito Columnist

While bike riding with my family this past summer on rural roads in Block Island; the unspoiled terrains, the rolling green fields and pastoral farms were breathtaki­ng. We stopped for a moment to take some photograph­s of a charming lighthouse with views rolling down to the sparkling, pristine ocean. Then, we got back on our bikes and peddled for miles on a road that ran along a rocky cliff-side path. And, there, we saw an abundance of plants and wildlife.

To my left, I noticed some trees damaged from a past storm. At that moment, I recalled an old legion I once heard about a powerful hurricane that came through a dense forest. As the great wind blew, it took all the beautiful leaves off a picturesqu­e grand oak tree. The storm snapped the tree’s boughs. It broke each branch in two. It shook its limbs and pulled its bark until the oak tree was stark and weak.

Neverthele­ss, the mighty oak held its ground. In a loud voice, the wild wind spoke, “How can you still be standing, Mr. Oak?”

Yet, the oak calmly replied, “I have deep roots that are stretched into the good earth. You will never touch them,” the oak said. “For you see, Mr. Wind, today I have found out just how much I can endure, and with thanks to you, I am stronger than I ever knew.”

As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. The storms we experience certainly may not cease dear readers. But by the grace of God, we can choose to persevere, rise above, become stronger, and learn from them.

You do not have to worry. God is in control of your situation. I recall while in a local department store, I noticed the cashiers wore bright yel- low-colored tee shirts. On the back of the shirts it read: “I’m here to help you.” That’s what God is saying to you today, “Look to me… I’m here to help you.”

Stand strong. Let go of the past hurts, errors, and break away from anything that is weighing you down. God wants to do mighty things for you. And His divine plan is not disregarde­d because of what someone said about you, a closed door or a past mistake. You were never meant to handle every- thing on your own. Scripture says, “Turn your burdens over to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will never let the righteous person stumble.” (Psalm 55:22). For God promises that if you do this, that His peace, that surpasses all understand­ing, will flood your mind as you put your trust in Him. (Philippian­s 4:7).

Therefore, form a picture in your mind of yourself shifting your burdens to God. Hand them over to Him. Let God handle

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