The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Women strive for larger roles in male-dominated religions

- By David Crary

alongside men and forbidden from stepping foot in some houses of worship altogether. Their attire, from headwear down to the length of their skirts in church, is often restricted.

But women around the world in recent months have been finding new ways to chip away at centuries of male-dominated traditions and barriers, with many of them emboldened by the surge of social media activismth­at’s spread globally in the #MeToo era.

Millions of women in India this monthforme­d a human wall nearly 400 miles long in support of women who defied conservati­ve Hindu leaders and entered an important temple that has long been off-limits to women and girls between the ages of 10 and 50.

In Israel, where Orthodox Judaism has long restricted women’s roles, one Jerusalemc­ongregatio­n has allowed women to lead Friday evening prayers. Roman Catholic bishops, under pressure fromwomen’srights activists, concluded a recent Vatican meeting by declaring that women, as an urgent “duty of justice,” should have a greater role in church decision-making.

Many feminist scholars are challengin­g the rightfulne­ss of long-standing patriarcha­l traditions in Christiani­ty, Judaism and Islam, calling into question time-honored translatio­ns of verses in the Bible, Torah and Quran that have been used to justify a maledomina­ted hierarchy.

Social media is seen as a big catalyst in boosting activism and forging solidarity among women of faith who seek more equality. The #MeToo movement has been evoked — even in the ranks of conservati­ve U.S. denominati­ons — as a reason why women should expect more respectful treatment frommale clergy, and a greater share of leadership roles.

“Women are looking for opportunit­ies to have their voices heard and be more effective in their religious traditions,” said Gina Messina, a religion professor at Ursuline College in Ohio who describes herself as both a feminist and a Catholic theologian. “Using social media is an opportunit­y to say what they think.”

She co-founded a blog called Feminism and Reli- gion that has scores of contributo­rs around the world and followers in more than 180 countries. She also coedited a collection of essays by Christian, Jewish and Muslim women explaining why they haven’t abandoned their patriarcha­lleaning faiths.

“The perception seems to be that it is a feminist act only to leave such a religion. We contend that it is also a feminist act to stay,” the three editors write in their foreword.

Here’s a brief look at the status of gender equality in several of the world’s religions:


Catholic doctrine mandates an all-male priesthood, on the grounds that Jesus’ apostles were men.

A decades-long campaign for women’s ordination has made little headway and some advocates of that change have been excommunic­ated. Women do play major roles in Catholic education, health care and parish administra­tion

While the recent meeting of bishops at the Vatican produced a call to expand women’s presence in church affairs, no details were proposed. The seven nuns who participat­ed along with 267 male clergy were not allowed to vote on the final document.

Earlier this year, a Vatican magazine published an expose detailing how nuns are often treated like indentured servants by cardinals and bishops, for whomthey cook and clean with little recompense.

 ?? AP PHOTO/JEFFREY MCWHORTER, FILE ?? FILE - In this June 12, 2018file photo, rape survivor and abuse victim advocate Mary DeMuth speaks during a rally protesting the Southern Baptist Convention’s treatment of women, outside the convention’s annual meeting at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas.
AP PHOTO/JEFFREY MCWHORTER, FILE FILE - In this June 12, 2018file photo, rape survivor and abuse victim advocate Mary DeMuth speaks during a rally protesting the Southern Baptist Convention’s treatment of women, outside the convention’s annual meeting at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas.

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