The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Release your cares and worries; a new beginning is in store

- Catherine Galasso-Vigorito Columnist

On the southern Oregon coast, Oregon resident and artist, Denny Dyke, has transforme­d his local beach into mazes, as part of his “Circles in the Sand” project. Dyke’s designs are made in the hard, wet sand of low tide. And thanks to the help of volunteers who use rakes to darken the negative space between the interlocki­ng spirals, tourists and locals can stroll through the beautiful “Circles in the Sand” spirals.

It is an act of love for Denny Dyke. For the creations have inspired the crowds who visit. But the labyrinths will only last for a few hours, before the rising tide will wash them all away and take them back to the sea. So, over 60 times a year, Dyke and his team of volunteers create the maze again.

“It’s one continual path,” Denny Dyke tells a reporter, “with no dead ends and no wrong turns.” And as people walk through his creation, he encourages them to ‘take their worries and leave them in the center of the spiral.’ Then, calm and relaxed, visitors can exit the labyrinth with a smile.

In a world that is sometimes filled with fears and concerns, how many hours in a day do you spend worrying? Are you allowing yourself to become filled with anxieties over situations that you cannot control? Or do you continuall­y fret over problems and permit these emotions to consume your mind?

Yet, a philosophe­r once wisely stated: “Today is the tomorrow you worried about, and all is well.”

Worrying is a choice, and we can decide not to do it. Hence, let go of everything that is worrying you and weighing you down. Let’s cultivate the attitude that whatever we are anxious about, with the powerful aid of God’s help, will eventually resolve itself. Moreover, let us not travel into the future, worrying about something that may or may not happen tomorrow, next month or in a year. God will take the undeserved and unfair circumstan­ces that have occurred and turn them around for our good, if we put our trust in Him. And as we do, Hewill wash away the mistakes and disappoint­ments of the past, and we will experience that peace which surpasses all understand­ing.

Today, let this moment be a turning point. And let go, forgive and forget the unjust situations of yesterday. Release cares and worries. A new beginning is in store.

Forgive a wrongdoing, pardon an offense and excuse a mistake. Let’s not concentrat­e on howwe were mistreated, who was disloyal, and hurtful experience­s. “To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it,” wrote Confucius. As long as we carry and hold on to bitterness and grievances, they steal the joy of right now. Let’s cease talking about how unfair life has been and start affirming positive solutions, being determined to rise above the difficulti­es. When we release, forgive and forget the pain of the past, it is we who triumph.

For three long years, a dear friend of mine suffered through many adversitie­s. First he was falsely accused of something he did not do, unjustly losing a prestigiou­s 25-year career. He underwent health problems; he had a personal crisis, financial troubles and lost his home. Yet, remarkably, he never gave up hope, his faith in God or the belief that he would come out of his trials stronger and better than he was before.

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