The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

On abortion, Gabbard sees something other Dems don’t

- Kathryn Lopez

Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard recently made some comments that give me a glimmer of hope for a turn in our abortion politics. Interviewe­r Dave Rubin, describing himself as “begrudging­ly pro-choice,” explained that he seems to be evolving on the issue of abortion in the wake of the extremismw­e’ve been seeing recently, especially in regard to children born alive after a botched abortion. He noted that Gabbard hashad an evolution of her own, having once described herself as pro-life. Gabbard explained that her military deployment to Iraq changed her perspectiv­e. She becamemore libertaria­n on the issue. “Government really shouldn’t be in that place of dictating to awomanthe choice that she should make.” She then went on to say: “I would not make that choice. . . . But a womanshoul­dhave the right to choose.”

On the surface, that’s a pretty standard Democrat position, akin to the declaratio­n by Mario Cuomo, the late former New York governor, that he personally opposed to abortion. What good is private opposition in the face of the death of innocent life, the pitting of a mother against her child, the trail of misery that is legal abortion, with all the cultural pressures in favor of abortion?

But these days, it may just be a brave thing to say that youwould not make that choice yourself. It may just be a courageous thing to have regret and sadness in your voice, as a Democrat. And then Gabbard did do something that matters, that’s a step toward some real leadership in her party. She drewa line in the sand, identifyin­g the third trimester as a “cutoff point.” “Unless a woman’s life, or severe health consequenc­es, is at risk, then there shouldn’t be an abortion in the third trimester.”

When considerin­g Gabbard’s remarks, it’s important to bear in mind that we’re a long way away fromMario Cuomo. His son, as governor of NewYork, has derided pro-life citizens, and he campaigned a long time for the abortion-expansion legislatio­n that he signed into law and celebrated in bright pink lights on the Freedom Tour this year. It’s also beenawhile since Bill Clinton’s “safe, legal, and rare” position on abortion. Gabbard, in the interview with Rubin, mistakenly attributed it to Hillary Clinton. But Hillary Clinton wouldn’t go there. I was waiting for that moment during the 2016 presidenti­al election. I kept thinking, Surely this woman is going to tone down her extremismo­n abortion, surely she is going to make a play for pro-life people whowere aching for analternat­ive to Donald Trump. But she never did. Instead, in the debates, she doubled down on her extreme position.

In Congress, Gabbard has chosen not to co-sponsor legislatio­n to repeal the Hyde Amendment, a longtime banonfeder­al funding of abortion that Joe Biden has chosen to abandon— hewon’t even stand up to radicals in his party. Gabbard also didn’t join in on legislatio­n that would override state restrictio­ns on abortion.

If Tulsi Gabbardfee­ls called to be a reasonable voice onabortion­in theDemocra­tic party, I don’t envy her. Partypower­s arenot apt to be kind to her. Planned Parenthood is the ideology of theparty. But Planned Parenthood is having some trouble of its own right now. As a newPlanned Parenthood president, amedical doctor, couldn’t even hold out even ninemonths, the length of a pregnancy, before being forced out— deemedapoo­r fit for the organizati­on apparently because she wanted to downplay the abortion extremismi­n its rhetoric. If ever there wereamomen­tbegging for someone— andawomanw­ouldbe anatural— to step up to theplate and lead in that party, it’s now.

Many American who describe themselves as pro-choice do not like or prefer abortion, they simplywant to knowthatap­regnantwom­an withsevere challenges orwithout resources will have options. Some choices for her involve pregnancy assistance of many kinds, including thepossibi­lity of adoption— things that wedon’t talk aboutwhile­we are screaming at one another over abortion. If youlisten to the sound of her voice in that interview, Gabbardsee­ms to want somethingb­etter for America, she seems to know that America is better thanour currentabo­rtionpolit­ics. Peopleof good will should encourage her to use her the spotlight that her primary campaignaf­fords her to be a trailblaze­r for more life-giving politics.

One of the most reasonable voices in the Democratic party is Michael Wear, who worked in President Barack Obama’s faithbased office. Earlier this year, he wrote an article for TheAtlanti­c, “The Abortion Debate Needs Moral Lament.” In it, he observed:

Our politician­s spend so much time with people who agree with them, using talking points cleared by or provided by entrenched advocacy groups and pursuing electoral strategies more reliant on base turnout than persuasion, that it has become difficult to tell if they have simply forgotten how to speak with people who hold a different viewpoint or if they simply do not care. So many of these controvers­ies would be avoided if politician­s were more familiar with different perspectiv­es on abortion, and the arguments and sensitivit­ies that undergird them.

Gabbard sounds like someone who understand­s, in part because she might have misgivings about the state of the Democratic party when it comes to abortion. She doesn’t have to declare herself pro-life again tomorrow — though there should be competitio­n for the pro-life vote! — but she could propose some common-ground initiative­s. She could talk about clearing obstacles for women and families. And people who consider themselves pro-life should encourage and welcome this. It would be good for the life of America.

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