The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Your future holds great promise

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito Columnist

Years ago, I heard a fictional story by an unknown author about a man who was so dismayed, he wanted to relinquish his hopes and dreams for the future and just give up on life. Have you ever felt that way?

Years ago, I heard a fictional story by an unknown author about a man who was so dismayed, he wanted to relinquish his hopes and dreams for the future and just give up on life. Have you ever felt that way?

The man was going to quit his job, his relationsh­ips, his hobbies, and abandon his walk with God, settling for the status quo. But, before renouncing it all, the man decided that he was going to take a walk in the forest by his home to have one last talk with God.

As he set out that autumn morning, the dry leaves and twigs cracked under his boots, and he heard the sweet songs of birds in the distance. He walked further. The fresh air caressed his face. And he glanced up at the clouds overhead and spoke aloud, “God, can you give me one good reason not to quit?”

There was a brief pause. Then, the man heard the gentle, yet powerful voice of God.

“Look around the forest,” God instructed. “Do you see the fern and the bamboo?” He questioned.

Startled, the man looked to the right and the left. “Yes, God, I do,” the man answered with a half-smile.

“When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them both. I gave them sunlight and fresh water. And the fern grew quickly. Its beautiful, lush green leaves covered the ground. Yet, not anything came from the bamboo seed. But I did not give up on the bamboo,” God said.

“The second year, the fern grew even more plentiful. And again, the bamboo seed was dormant. Still, I did not give up on the bamboo.”

The man reached into his pocket and grabbed a tissue and dabbed his eyes, as God explained, “In year three, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. However, I didn’t quit. The same in year four,” God uttered.

With understand­ing and humble remorse over how wrong he had been, the man closed his eyes for a moment. And God continued, “Then, in the fifth year, a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern, it was seemingly insignific­ant. But months later, the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent five years growing roots, and those roots made the bamboo strong, giving it what it needed to survive in the forest.”

Thereafter, God whispered to the man, “Did you know, my child, that all this time you have actually been growing roots? I would not give up on the bamboo, and I will never give up on you.

“It doesn’t matter how impossible your situation appears to be or how long it takes, your time of victory will come,” God encouraged. “You will rise high. You will flourish. So, don’t quit, and give me glory, by rising as high as you can.”

The man left the forest that day and slowly made his way back home. With his head held high, and a renewed strength, the man felt surrounded by God’s love. He realized that God would never give up on Him. And, dear readers, God will never give up on you, either.

Your life is full of possibilit­ies. You have too much yet to do, too many lives to positively influence and too many dreams to make manifest to quit now. Your time for victory, too, is coming. Thus, whatever may be troubling you; turn it

all over to God and progress ahead. There is no obstacle too big for God to turn around for your greater good. He is working right now on your behalf and is “going before you and making the crooked places straight.” (Isaiah 45:2-3).

Therefore, stand in faith and say, “I am not going to give up. I’m moving forward with God,” and “I’ll become all that God intends for me to be.” God hasn’t brought you this far to leave you here. He is about to do something greater than you can ever imagine. So, continue your pursuit. Don’t stop now. And keep on going

Recently, I received a letter from a dear reader wrote, “I have struggled for years in so many ways. First, it was the death of my husband. Then, I lost my mother- my best friend. Suddenly, I became a single parent with two children to raise alone.”

For this reader, everyday life was exhausting and emotional. But she refused to quit. She kept trying to rise above all of the challenges before her and focused on God who can heal our hearts. Then, little by little, before her eyes, blessings began pouring into her life.

“Day by day, I would listen for God to speak and guide me. I’d light candles and pray.” Her letter continued, “Today, 9 years later, my daughter has a Master’s in Education and my son is working on his Masters in Psychology. Despite the circumstan­ces, through faith and perseveran­ce, I have a new and amazing faith and strength. There is always a reason to go one more step forward. No matter what comes your way, there is new hope in every new day.”

In the Bible, I read about the Prodigal Son. A father had two sons and the younger son asked his father to give him his portion of his inheritanc­e early, from the family estate. The father granted his request and the young son set off to distant lands and begins to waste his fortune in debauchery. A famine hits the country, the young son’s money runs out, and he finds himself destitute, in horrible conditions. Finally, the young son comes to his senses and although unsure of the welcome he’d receive, returns home.

Upon seeing his son, the father who had been watching and waiting for him, ran out to greet his beloved son with opened arms and rejoiced that the son found his way back home. (Luke 15: 1132)

Nothing could separate the son from his father’s love, and nothing can separate .you from God’s love. So, persist onward, under God’s love, guidance and care. Then watch in awe as He blesses all areas of your life. Your future holds great promise. And, with new hope in every new day, peace, joy and victory will be yours.

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