The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Republican­s aren’t the only ones to cry ‘coup!’

- Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg holds the Asness Chair in Applied Liberty at the American Enterprise Institute and is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times.

People really seem to struggle with the word “coup.”

During the impeachmen­t ordeal of Bill Clinton, Democrats and their journalist­ic allies routinely denounced the effort as a “coup.” Some 20 years later, Republican­s and their supporters called the impeachmen­t of Donald Trump a “coup” as well.

Neither of these events was a coup. According to the dictionary, a coup means to overthrow the government, usually by force. It’s short for “coup d’état,” which is illegal. The impeachmen­t power is laid out in America’s rulebook — the Constituti­on — in black and white.

In any endeavor — sports, law, business, chess, Dungeons and Dragons, whatever — it is axiomatica­lly true that if you play within the rules, you cannot be breaking them.

But as silly as all the coup talk was, it at least had a certain superficia­l plausibili­ty within the bounds of political hyperbole and poetic license. Impeachmen­t was an effort to fire the head of state, after all.

You can’t say the same thing about the truly ridiculous accusation that Bernie Sanders is the victim of a coup.

CNN’S Jake Tapper referred to Joe Biden’s historic comeback on Super Tuesday as a “resurrecti­on.” Marianne Williamson, a onetime contender in the Democratic primaries who now supports Sanders, responded with a Twitter rant.

“This was not a resurrecti­on; it was a coup,” Williamson raged. “Russiagate was not a coup. Mueller was not a coup. Impeachmen­t was not a coup. What happened yesterday was a coup. And we will push it back.”

Williamson’s coup blather (since deleted) was in a sense bipartisan. President Trump, whose desperatio­n to run against Sanders instead of Biden sometimes gets the better of him, tweeted late Monday afternoon, “They are staging a coup against Bernie!” Shortly after that, he told reporters on the White House lawn, “It’s rigged against Bernie; there is no question about it.”

Now, my complaint here isn’t just that people are using words incorrectl­y, though that does vex me. It’s that they’re using the wrong words because they have the wrong ideas.

Trump’s use of the word “rigged” — one that Sanders loves, too — is illustrati­ve. What happened with Biden wasn’t a “coup,” nor was it “rigged.” It was politics.

Democratic politician­s and rank-and-file voters alike played by the rules and rallied to Biden. They did so partly out of ideologica­l opposition to Sanders’s avowedly socialist agenda but mostly out of fear that Sanders would lose to Trump.

Regardless of the motivation­s, the important point is that no rules were broken. Heck, no norms, customs, or traditions were violated. Rather, good oldfashion­ed politics made a comeback. Biden amassed some crucial endorsemen­ts. South Carolina’s African-american voters in particular rallied to the former vice president. Biden then used the momentum of a huge win there to leverage more endorsemen­ts and more African-american (and moderate) votes to run away with it on Super Tuesday.

Where’s the coup? Answer: nowhere.

Indeed, it’s kind of amazing that many of the people who bemoan “white supremacy” are suddenly arguing that Africaname­rican voters are really the establishm­ent’s enforcers.

Part of the problem with populism is the collective sense of entitlemen­t that fuels it. Populists don’t like the rules when the rules don’t favor them. “Screw the rules; you owe us!”

When you feel entitled to something, it’s normal to think it’s unfair or illegitima­te when you don’t get it. It’s like one of those family games of Monopoly that inevitably end in tears when one of the kids goes bankrupt and cries, “No fair!” But it was fair. The game wasn’t rigged; that was the game.

Sanders and his most ardent followers believe, in almost Marxian fashion, that capital-h History is on their side and that their “revolution” is their rightful destiny. But nobody owes them victory. In democratic politics you earn success by being better at the game. Sure, sometimes luck plays a role, but luck is part of every game — except maybe chess.

Sadly, the Sanders campaign is just one example of the sense of entitlemen­t that runs rampant through our politics and our culture. From the Oval Office to college campuses to the Sanders campaign, people assume that everything should go their way, and when it doesn’t, it must be because the system is rigged. Not content with hating the players, they hate the game, too.

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