The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

You can rise from challenges

- Catherine Galassovig­orito Columnist

One of my favorite fruits is a mango. Most of us enjoy this nutritiona­lly rich fruit that has a unique flavor, fragrance, and health promoting qualities. But it’s interestin­g to know that mango trees require . . .

One of my favorite fruits is a mango. Most of us enjoy this nutritiona­lly rich fruit that has a unique flavor, fragrance, and health promoting qualities. But it’s interestin­g to know that mango trees require consistent warm temperatur­es and environmen­ts. Planted from seed in tropical climates, a mango tree may require five to eight years before it will bear fruit.

Unlike other fruits, though, mangoes can handle the extreme temperatur­es of the summer heat. On the surface it might seem that the heat is too intense. But mangoes know how to shield themselves. They thrive in the full, sometimes scorching sun.

Similar to the mango, you can handle extreme situations. When you are up against difficulti­es, keep calm. Don’t be stressed or angry when the heat is on. You have the incredible capacity to rise from your greatest challenge. God is on your side. So, do not be tempted to give up or get discourage­d. You possess the grace to rise above it. For you can face tough circumstan­ces and come out even better and stronger than ever before.

I heard it said, “If you are looking for that one person to change your life; look in the mirror.” Hence, be passionate about the life that God has given to you. Don’t lose your enthusiasm. You may have been through tough times, disappoint­ments, and have had some unfair setbacks, but there is still something more for you to achieve. There are blessings, love and new joys ahead. You may have been pushed down for a time, yet, new doors are about to open. A golden opportunit­y is going to break forth. Something great is on the verge of happening. So, stay productive; keep your goals in front of you, and thank God for this brand-new day and for your tremendous gifts and abilities.

I am reminded of the parable in the Bible in Matthew 25:14-28 that illustrate­s a great truth. The Parable of the Talents is about three servants. One servant was given five talents, another servant was provided with two talents, and the last was handed one talent. Now, in those times, talents were equivalent to money.

As the parable states, the first two men used their talents wisely, and their talents doubled. However, the third man was fearful, and buried his talent in the ground.

When I read this story, it caused me to wonder, how many of us hide our gifts behind the hurts of the past? Do we bury the pain, by partaking in unconstruc­tive and unhealthy behaviors? Or are we concealing the great gifts that God has given to us, because we were told, at some point, we were ‘not good enough,’ ‘not smart enough,’ or ‘worthy enough,’ to be full of joy and succeed?

Don’t let anything or anyone steal your confidence, your hopes and dreams, or keep you from the divine purpose for which you were created. Let today be the day that you release everything that has been pushing you down and begin to utilize the special abilities that God has generously given for His glory.

A while back, I heard a story about the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. One day, he was working on a painting and permitted a group of children to watch him. Accidental­ly,

one child knocked over his picture. Da Vinci was so angry he could not continue to create. Though he attempted, he could not paint with that resentment in his heart. His anger stifled his creativity.

It’s the same thing with us. When we are full of bitterness or anger, it holds us back. Every minute spent upset is sixty seconds of happiness wasted. Push away disparagin­g thoughts; dismiss them, using your willpower to banish them. Let peace reign in your heart. Observe things that inspire you; cheerful pictures, read motivating phrases and faith-filled scriptures. Be around happy, cheerful people. Keep busy. Try a new hobby. It’s said the idle mind is the enemy’s playground, so stay active. Take an exercise class on zoom. Go outdoors. Take a walk in the sunshine. Press on, persevere towards your goals. And use your talents to benefit others in some way.

Try sincerely compliment­ing people. Each day, be determined to offer encouragin­g words to others. A reader wrote, “Extending yourself to help others will come back to you with great results. Be kind, considerat­e; pass on a smile, a prayer or word of praise.”

In the workplace, if someone is doing a good job, say, “Thank you for going above and beyond,” “I’m grateful for your great efforts,” “You’re doing fantastic,” and “You are an important part of this company.”

People do not know what you are thinking, so at home tell your spouse, “You are a fantastic role model,” “I appreciate your sacrifices for our family,” “I’m thankful for our strong relationsh­ip,” and “I love you.”

Express to your children, “I’m proud of you,” “You always try your best,” “You’re capable of great things,” and “God loves you.” And be there in times of need for friends, neighbors and even total strangers.

We all need reassuranc­e, encouragem­ent and approval. Persist in being good to people, and spreading love and joy to others. There is no limit to what you can accomplish for the good of mankind.

It doesn’t matter where you have come from, what has happened in the past, or what your life has been. Go forth with love and joy. You can rise from challenges. And your future can be different than your yesterday.

Today is a new day and with it comes a clean slate. Therefore, delight in the newness of the pristine morning. Wake up and say, “Thank you, Lord. A new chapter begins now, and it is only the start of bringing you glory and wonderful things for my future.”

God has something great ahead for you… the blessing is within your reach; it’s just a matter of time. So, step forth and let God guide you to be the best you can be.

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