The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

You have come a long way. But you have further yet to go.

- Catherine Galassovig­orito Columnist

Somewhere I heard that the US Patent Office has thousands of inventions which are left undone because those who started them did not carry the projects through . . .

Somewhere I heard that the US Patent Office has thousands of inventions which are left undone because those who started them did not carry the projects through to completion.

Perhaps, these endeavors needed just a little extra effort, another attempt or a bit more patience to bring these creations forth to the point of accomplish­ment.

Have you gotten to the place in your life where you don’t think you can go any further? Are you on the brink of calling it quits because circumstan­ces have been difficult and life hasn’t treated you fairly?

Possibly, it looks like it’s the end of the road for you. Yet, with just a little extra effort, around the next curve can be a new beginning.

Maybe it appears now that all is lost. However, if you make another attempt, just up ahead, you can reap a tremendous gain.

The critics might say, “It’s taking too much time, you won’t…. you can’t…” But with a bit more patience, as you keep on going forward, “You can” and “You will!”

You have come a long way. But you have further yet to go. Don’t quit now on your grand purpose. God has a divine plan for you. And the trials that you are facing at this time can be God’s way of testing you before the outpouring of victory.

I recall years back when my daughter’s teacher called me on the telephone and explained that she wanted to give my daughter, each week, an additional spelling test.

In other words, instead of one spelling test a week, each Friday my daughter would be given two spelling tests. The teacher had confidence that my daughter could handle the added work.

In the same fashion, in life, God gives us tests. But like my daughter’s teacher, God wouldn’t give us those tests unless He knew that we could handle them. So, when life throws you a challenge, remember, that God knows you have what it takes to prevail over the situation successful­ly.

Life’s tests mold us; strengthen us for the blessings to come. Recently, a reader emailed and wrote, “While we are going through a difficulty, it hurts, it’s painful. Although, when we look back, most often, we can see the lesson in it. Moreover, we will learn from the adverse experience and be stronger and wiser for the next stumbling block we may face.”

The first place we must be triumphant is in our own minds. If you think you’ll overcome that challenge, you will. If you assume victory, you will be victorious. As you think in your heart, so shall you be. And as you set your thoughts on the affirmativ­e, on success, on attainment, you will move towards those conditions, attracting them to you.

Therefore, never give up on your treasured dreams, on your cherished family, or on your precious life. Believe you can triumph over challengin­g circumstan­ces. See yourself conquering that bad habit. Visualize your bright future and visualize soaring to new levels.

You’re strong, spirited, and able, and you can unlock the door to your best life! You are holding the golden key in your hand

right now, and it will open any door that you wish. Success can be yours, for you have not reached the peak of the ladder yet. Thus, keep climbing! Combat pessimism with optimism and gratitude. Talk happiness, faith, health. Say you are well, and all is well with you. “Life is good,” states a long-time reader. “Let’s be thankful when we get up in the morning and can take a nice deep breath. It’s another blessed day.”

Make the most of the gifts that God has given to you. Be enterprisi­ng, original, and determined to reach your full potential. Continue to work hard and aim high. Keeping in mind, the best is not achieved swiftly.

I’m fond of these words from Longfellow:

“The divine insanity of noble minds,

That never falters or abates,

But labors and endures and waits,

Till all it foresees, it finds.

Or what it cannot find it creates.”

A man once said to a humble and honorable entreprene­ur, “I wish I were as successful as you.” With his eyebrows raised, the entreprene­ur smiled and gave the man a very wise answer, “You mean, as persistent, as willing to work, and… to wait?”

Regardless of humble beginnings, in spite of lack of advantages or obstacles in your path, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7).

At first, most big dreams we dream may appear as though they would be impossible for us to bring to pass. However,

I like what a wise mentor once suggested, “We should strive for dreams that are large enough for God to fit into.”

“What does that saying imply?” you question. It signifies that dreams that we can achieve all alone, may be too small for us.

Why? because we can accomplish them with just our own strength. But with God’s help and guidance, I can confirm from personal experience, that all things are possible. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”-matthew 19:26

Dear readers, God works in unusual and wonderful ways. Have the courage to step forward and claim an extraordin­ary life. God has a plan for everything and everybody. Go ahead and say,

“Yes,” and give your undertakin­g a little extra effort, another attempt or a bit more patience and you… can achieve your heart’s dream.

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