The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Wonderful blessings are in store for you

- Catherine Galasso Vigorito A New You

“The stronger the wind, the mightier the oak becomes.” a Proverb.

One morning at the gym, a fitness trainer told the group an interestin­g story. It was about a woman named Meredith who had set out to run a halfmarath­on event. However, as Meredith was running in the cool breeze, she made a mistake and took a wrong turn. And, soon, that wrong turn put her on the full-marathon course.

Eventually, when Meredith realized what had happened, instead of turning back, she said to herself, “Why stop now?” And she forged onward, running the race, her strides long and fast.

Although the course was tough, and it was her first full marathon, Meredith didn’t think, ‘I am not qualified,’ ‘I’ll never succeed,’ or ‘I’ve gone as far as I can go.’

Rather, running faster and further than she thought possible, she was determined to complete the race. She kept her selftalk positive and under her breath she uttered, “You can do this. Just get it done,” for the words we speak have dynamic power.

Meredith persisted and continued forth. And remarkably, sometimes, what we think is a setback or mistake, can actually turn out to be a stunning victory. In a record time of three hours, 11 minutes and 48 seconds, Meredith ran across the finish line. She had the best time among women and 10th overall in the entire race.

Her determinat­ion, unshakeabl­e confidence and positive self-talk took her beyond her training, beyond what she had done before, and beyond what she originally thought she could do.

During our lives, we could make mistakes and face obstacles. Situations may not have turned out exactly as we thought they should. Or our dreams haven’t transpired at the precise time that we wanted them to happen. Then, we might get dishearten­ed and lose our passion and momentum for living.

But, don’t lose heart and settle for ‘good enough.’ God has more in store for you. And like Meredith, if you don’t quit, you will go further than you think is possible. So, start now, right where you are today.

Put one foot in front of the other and take a step forward in faith. For the hills and valleys that you may be passing through are not meant to stop you, but to strengthen and equip you for a higher purpose.

Maybe you see other people getting the gifts you long for, and you are still in the same place, unfulfille­d. But just because things haven’t worked out entirely for you up until now, it doesn’t mean you won’t find the happiness, success and the fulfillmen­t that you seek. Therefore, press on. Overnight, your God-inspired dreams can come true, for when they do happen, they will come quickly. “And in due season, you will reap if you do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

Perhaps, your goals seem too big to be achieved. Yet, God is not limited by ordinary factors. So, stay the course, look to Him and trust in Him. Right now, God is walking ahead of you, making a path to ensure your victory. “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of

your heart.” (Psalm 37:4)

Possibly, obstacles look impossible to overcome. But God has not brought you this far to give up on you now. Hence, pray and believe you can prevail over your challenges. You are going to survive what you now face and come back stronger, healthier, and more blessed. “According to your faith be it unto you.” (Matthew 9:29)

Live to your highest ideals. You were born to make a difference and to give this world something that no one else can. Keep your mind on thoughts of faith, hope, joy and expectancy. See the possibilit­ies. See solutions. There’s an old saying, “There are no two ways about it.” Hence, think about only what you’d like to experience, and speak words that you want to see manifested.

Let the negative, unfair situations go: and each day, focus on all the positive aspects of your life and the extraordin­ary things you are looking forward to welcoming into your future.

A while ago, a former business associate of mine, I’ll call Ben, lost his longstandi­ng job. Ben is hardworkin­g, honest and one of the most honorable people I know.

He was in the entertainm­ent industry; and because of job cuts, his position was eliminated. Although what happened to Ben was unfortunat­e, rather than becoming depressed, he moved ahead with his career. He had a family to support and worked tirelessly to find a new position. Yet, month after month, he came up short.

Then, he applied for an outside sales position. And even though Ben was overqualif­ied, the sales manager would not hire him and negatively said, “Find another profession.” Ben let those hurtful comments go in one ear and out the other. But God does things in unusual ways and failure to attain that position led unexpected­ly to another. A month later, that sales manager was let go from the company and almost instantane­ously, Ben was hired. Rather than being an outside sales person, Ben was appointed to be the Vice President for the entire organizati­on.

I like the message I have engraved on a bookmark that reads, “God makes a way where there is no way.” So, persist on your journey toward your goals with focused determinat­ion. And when you come across a difficult terrain, say to yourself, as Meredith did, “Why stop now?” and “You can do this. Just get it done.”

God has wonderful blessings in store for you and those around you. And before you know it, as long as you refuse to give up, you’ll triumphant­ly cross the finish line to the divine destiny that has been beautifull­y prepared for you.

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