The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

From Dependence to Interdepen­dence


“It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper su table or h m.

Genesis 2:18 NIV

It is a fact of life that we are born completely dependent on others. No newborn could survive without the care and nurturing of its parents, or in their absence, others who take on the task of caring and nurturing for the child. As we grow and develop, we become more and more able to care for ourselves, with the aim of becoming independen­t. An independen­t person is one who is relatively able to care for him- or herself without relying on others. But it is an illusion to think that anyone is completely independen­t. Even if you earn a living and pay for all of your daily needs, you are probably not the one who grew your food or built your own house. Being independen­t is in reality being interdepen­dent, that is, depending on others in a mutual relationsh­ip where we help each other.

We see this interdepen­dence everywhere: in nature, where animals rely on plants, and vice versa, and in internatio­nal relations, where countries trade with each other. But this is also an essential facet of human life, where we must learn to negotiate our needs with others. People marry so that they might help each other in the raising of children and provide each other with the things which together they can provide, but which alone they lack. To use a metaphor from dancing, a couple can do things together, by supporting or lifting each other, for instance, which neither partner could do alone. Consider the myriad ways in which you rely on others, and pray for guidance in both giving and receiving help and support.

–Christophe­r Simon

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