The Outpost

Watch out for wildlife

- By Daniel Steward

After another long hot summer, we are all welcoming fall. As our day-length shortens and temperatur­es drop we will encounter a lot more wildlife on and around Yuma

Proving Ground.

Very soon many of us will be commuting to work in the dark, and as we all know, the deer and burros can be a hazard along the highway. Especially in the dark!

As we will start our workday near sunrise, we will also see more coyotes. The pups that were born in spring are nearly grown and are roaming around now. These youngsters still have a lot of lessons to learn. It takes time for them to find out what is dangerous, and that often gets them too close to people. We also don’t want to teach them the wrong lessons by giving them a free meal from our garbage or pet food. If you see a coyote getting a little too friendly, give it a shout, make noise or anything to scare it away.

Remember coyotes are wild animals so always keep your distance and never feed them.

As we are getting a break from the high summer temperatur­es, so too are the rattlesnak­es. We always have an uptick in snake sightings in fall as they can be more active in daylight. As it gets cooler in October and November, we will see less snakes as most will go dormant for winter. It is important to note that snakes don’t truly hibernate. They enter a state called “brumation” which is a dormancy period with intermitte­nt activity. So, it is possible for a snake to be out sunning on a warm day in December. The best way to protect yourself living in snake country is to be aware of your surroundin­gs. Also removing clutter around the jobsite or at home will give snakes, and their prey, less places to hide.

 ?? ?? As our day-length shortens and temperatur­es drop we will encounter a lot more wildlife on and around Yuma proving Ground. this deer was spotted near the library on the Howard cantonment. (photo by Ana Henderson)
As our day-length shortens and temperatur­es drop we will encounter a lot more wildlife on and around Yuma proving Ground. this deer was spotted near the library on the Howard cantonment. (photo by Ana Henderson)

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