The Palm Beach Post

House GOP pushes tax cuts despite Obama veto threat

Parties divided on how to pay cost of popular measures.

- By Stephen Ohlemacher Associated Press

WASHINGTON — House Republican­s are advancing a series of tax cuts this week affecting millions of businesses and individual­s, despite White House threats to veto the provisions because they would add more than $300 billion to the budget deficit over the next decade.

The debate highlights a dispute between Republican­s and Democrats over whether tax cuts should be offset by spending cuts or other revenue increases, making it difficult to enact even popular tax breaks for businesses and families.

“We are fighting to get people back to work, to get the economy moving, to increase take-home pay and to give businesses as many incentives as we can to get people back to work,” said Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee.

Many Democrats said they support the tax breaks, but they oppose adding so much to the budget deficit.

“We may have the same objective, but we want to pay for it,” said Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-N. J.

The House voted Thursday to pass a $14.3 billion package of tax breaks designed to encourage charitable giving. One provision offers tax breaks to people who make charitable contri- butions from individual retirement accounts. Another provides tax breaks for donating property for conservati­on, and a third expands tax breaks to businesses that donate food inventory.

All three provisions are part of a package of temporary tax breaks that expired at the start of the year. The House bill would make them permanent.

The bill passed by a vote of 279 to 137, with 39 Democrats joining Republican to support it.

In its veto message, the White House said it supports efforts to encourage charitable giving. But the statement said House Republican­s are imposing “a double standard by adding to the deficit to continue and create tax breaks that primarily benefit higher-income individual­s, after insisting on offsetting the cost of measures that help middle-class and working Americans, such as the extension of emergency unemployme­nt benefits.”

Republican­s countered that lawmakers from both political parties have repeatedly voted to extend many of the tax breaks on a temporary basis.

“We don’t believe that keeping the tax code as it is should require you to raise taxes on other Americans or other businesses,” said Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas. “It seems disingenuo­us to say if we extend it for one year, it costs nothing. But if we make it permanent and recognize that these are key, critical, truly permanent parts of our tax code, that that somehow is fiscally irresponsi­ble.”

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