The Palm Beach Post

Stewart, Williams symbols of changing media world


E.J. Dionne Jr.

Many years ago, a politician complained to me about journalist­s who loved to dish it out but bristled at any criticism directed their way. “Look,” he said, “we politician­s may have thin skins, but you guys in the media have no skins.”

He had a point. Media figures don’t usually deal very well with disapprova­l. Most didn’t enter the field to be part of the fray but to report on it. They’re often unhappy when they’re drawn into a fight, especially about themselves.

Those of us who crossed into opinion writing are partial exceptions. We’re accustomed to having our ideas, motives and integrity attacked. I sometimes think that if no one is angry about what I’ve said, I’m not doing my job.

But things have changed. Begin with the fact that it’s hard to know what anyone means anymore when they use the word “media.” Old lines have blurred. The boundaries between reporting and opinionati­ng have become fuzzy.

More and more journalist­s, particular­ly those on TV, have become celebritie­s and — dreaded word! — “brands.” Mistakes are no longer just mistakes. They’re about “damage to the brand,” whether individual or institutio­nal.

On front pages Wednesday — I still like print — came the dueling stories of Jon Stewart leaving “The Daily Show” and NBC News’ six-month suspension of Brian Williams.

Be a media critic and ask: Why did I put Stewart first? Because he embodies so many of the changes I’m talking about. He is a gifted comedian, of course, but more than anything else, he is a media critic.

Stewart’s ridicule almost single-handedly killed CNN’s “Crossfire” for a while — a mistake, I have always thought. All the clever irony in the world can’t get us past the fact that passionate, if sometimes contrived, disagreeme­nt is an essential part of democracy. “Crossfire” wasn’t always elevated, but political arguments can be like that.

Nonetheles­s, Stewart is more often right than wrong. He excels at poking at pomposity. What’s not to like about that? He explains complicate­d matters when regular journalism doesn’t. And he has drawn people into politics through the medium of laughter — a blessing when so much of our political discussion is grim and angry.

As for Williams, I confess a bias in his favor not because of my work and personal ties to NBC but because I know from family members who live in New York City’s Rockaway area that he gave generously of his time and his heart to a place that was flattened by Hurricane Sandy. He lifted up people when they needed encouragem­ent.

Of course he should not have misreprese­nted his own experience­s.

The problem with our focus on media brands and celebritie­s is that it distracts us from the reporters doing the dayto-day hard work in city halls, statehouse­s and everywhere else.

But we should resist longing for a nonexisten­t golden age. Whatever problems new media arrangemen­ts create, they provide many more sources of informatio­n and opinion, multiple forms of accountabi­lity, and a wealth of voices poking fun at our failures. This means we media types need to grow much thicker skins, which, my politician friend might say, could make us more humble and increase our capacity for empathy.

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