The Palm Beach Post

Helping revive the lost art of bipartisan­ship

- By Richard G. Lugar and Edward Montgomery Richard G. Lugar is a former Republican senator from Indiana and president of The Lugar Center. Edward Montgomery is dean of The McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University. They wrote this for CQ-Rol

Political wrangling in Washington is as old as the Republic itself, and partisan battles over ideas and power will surely be with us long into the future. But the current era of hyperparti­sanship has frequently paralyzed congressio­nal decision-making and led both Republican­s and Democrats to fail the most basic tests of governance.

This failure has had real consequenc­es for real people. When a stymied Congress couldn’t agree on a strategy for deficit reduction, it proposed a draconian sequester, across-the-board budget cuts so illogical and unwise lawmakers thought it would force them to act. Yet congres- sional dysfunctio­n prevailed and the once unthinkabl­e cuts were implemente­d in early 2013.

Later that year, the same unhealthy dynamic forced the government to shut down for two weeks. These actions slowed the struggling economic recovery and hurt the jobs and incomes of Americans across the country.

Unrelentin­g partisansh­ip has also led to a routine breakdown of normal spending and budget procedures, to some of the least productive Congresses in modern history even to the loss of traditiona­l bipartisan cooperatio­n on foreign polic y.

If we are to break out of this straitjack­et so our representa­tives can do what they were elected to do, namely lead and gov- ern, we must end the destructiv­e culture that has emerged on Capitol Hill.

That’s why The Lugar Center and Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy are launching The Bipartisan Index, a ranking of all senators and representa­tives according to their sponsorshi­p and co-sponsorshi­p of bills. The index measures how often a member of Congress introduces bills that succeed in attracting co-sponsors from members of the other part y, and how often they, in turn, co-sponsor a bill introduced from across the aisle.

By shining a bright light on members’ bipartisan activit y — or lack thereof — we hope to encourage them to work together when writing or co-sponsoring legislatio­n, and to raise the level of cooperatio­n and civilit y.

To be bipartisan does not mean to be a centrist or to seek compromise for its own sake. We are not asking members to alter or deny their political principles. Some of the legislator­s who rank high on the index are Democrats and Republican­s firmly on the left and right wings of their respective parties.

The index’s data confirm what politician­s themselves have been saying — Congress has experience­d a disturbing culture shift toward more partisansh­ip and less interactio­n between the parties. For example, the past two Congresses have been the most partisan of the past 20 years, accord- ing to the index.

Yet the index also upends some convention­al wisdom: the Congress that impeached President Bill Clinton was more bipartisan than any other in the index. And while the current House GOP majorit y is often vexed by no-compromise tea part yers, seven of the top 10 most-bipartisan House members are Republican­s.

Unlike the myriad rankings produced by special-interest groups, the index reflects no ideologica­l agenda. Other gauges of Congress seek to place members on the liberal-conservati­ve spectrum by how they vote. The Bipartisan Index, by focusing on the bills members introduce and co-sponsor, aims to emphasize members’ pro- clivit y to build coalitions in order to get results, regardless of the issue or part y affiliatio­n.

The current dysfunctio­n and extreme partisansh­ip has left Congress’ approval rating hovering near historic lows — “less popular than cockroache­s and traffic jams” as one polling firm put it. If the publicatio­n of this index encourages just a few to broaden their approach to lawmaking, that would be an important step toward restoring Congress to health.

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