The Palm Beach Post

Here’s the hypothetic­al that we should be asking


determined withdrawal from the Middle East, America’s standing in the region has collapsed. And yet the question incessantl­y asked of the various presidenti­al candidates is not about that. It’s a retrospect­ive hypothetic­al: Would you have invaded Iraq in 2003 if you had known then what we know now?

First, the question is not just a hypothetic­al, but an inherently impossible hypothetic­al. It contradict­s itself. Had we known there were no weapons of mass destructio­n, the very question would not have arisen. No WMD, no hypothetic­al to answer in the first place.

Second, the “if you knew then” question implicitly locates the origin and cause of the current disasters in 2003. As if the author of the current regional collapse is George W. Bush.

This is nonsense. By the end of Bush’s tenure, the war had been won. Bush bequeathed to Obama a success. By whose measure? By Obama’s. As he told the troops at Fort Bragg on Dec. 14, 2011, “We are leaving behind a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq, with a representa­tive government that was elected by its people.” This was, said the president, a “moment of success.”

Which Obama proceeded to squander. With the 2012 election approachin­g, he chose to liquidate our military presence in Iraq. We didn’t just withdraw our forces. We abandoned, destroyed or turned over our equipment, stores, installati­ons and bases. We surrendere­d our most valuable strategic assets, such as control of Iraqi airspace. And we abandoned the vast intelligen­ce network we had so painstakin­gly constructe­d in Anbar province, without which our current patchwork operations there are largely blind and correspond­ingly feeble.

The current collapse was not predetermi­ned in 2003 but in 2011. Isn’t that what should be asked of Hillary Clinton? What about the abandonmen­t of 2011? Was that not a mistake?

Iraq is now a battlefiel­d between the Sunni jihadists of the Islamic State and the Shiite jihadists of Iran’s Islamic Republic. There is no viable center. We abandoned it. The Obama administra­tion’s unilateral pullout created a vacuum for the entry of the worst of the worst.

And the damage was self-inflicted. The current situation in Iraq, says David Petraeus, “is tragic foremost because it didn’t have to turn out this way. The hardearned progress of the surge was sustained for over three years.”

Do the math. That’s 2009 through 2011, the first three Obama years. And then came the unraveling. When? “Starting in late 2011,” says Petraeus.

Want to do retrospect­ive hypothetic­als? Start there.

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