The Palm Beach Post

Bush and Co. were bent on Iraq War


I wish Megyn Kelly of Fox News had asked Dick Cheney the same question she asked Jeb Bush: “If we knew then what we know now, would you still have invaded Iraq?” Cheney’s answer would likely have been “yes.”

Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush led the United States into war with Iraq on false intelligen­ce.

In August 2001, Bush and his senior advisers didn’t pay much attention to a President’s Daily Brief titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” A month later, al-Qaida attacked the United States.

During the next couple of years, the BushCheney administra­tion launched a campaign to whip Americans into a frenzy to attack Iraq, which not only had no ties to bin Laden and al-Qaida but didn’t have weapons of mass destructio­n.

Now that “NBC Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams has been suspended for six months for embellishi­ng stories, it’s the perfect time for George W. Bush to report on his record. needed taxi rides. Never once were we “belted.”

In fact, I never saw a seat belt in any cab during our visit. If belts had been available, but unseen by us, no driver ever told us to “buckle up” — nor were any drivers buckled, though required by Florida law. It seems law enforcemen­t is giving taxi drivers a “free ride” on this issue.

Although taxi drivers are usually tops in driving skills, they are not immune to mishaps provoked by other less skillful and less attentive drivers.

Being thrown out onto the pavement in a crash often results in fatalities, as in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Nash.

Law-enforcemen­t personnel and taxi companies need a wake-up call.

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