The Palm Beach Post

G has reaction to new

- Ask The Vet

Dr. Michael Fox

Question: I have used Frontline Plus on our two shih tzus for 10 years with no problems.

Because, apparently, many ticks and flfleas have become resistant to the original Frontline Plus, our vet has begun using the new Frontline Tritak. I used the new Frontline Tritak for the fifirst time three weeks ago on our dogs. One experience­d mild itching that began about two hours after the applicatio­n and lasted for two days. However, our second shih tzu experience­d a horrible reaction.

About two hours after the applicatio­n, she began itching and scratching herself. Shortly thereafter, she started going after her tail. I thought she may be experienci­ng some anal gland issues, which she occasional­ly has. I called the vet and scheduled an appointmen­t for the next morning. As evening approached, she became very hyperactiv­e — running up and down the stairs, jumping on and offff the furniture, digging on the furniture — and she never settled down. She did not sleep one minute that day or night. I stayed up with her most of the night because I was so worried about her. I took her to our vet fifirst thing the next morning. On the way to the vet, I felt small spasms on her back.

Our vet gave her a thorough exam and checked her anal glands, which were empty. He could fifind nothing wrong with her and believed it was a reaction to the Frontline Tritak. He also noticed the spasms she was having. He prescribed tramadol, but asked us to hold offff giving it to her until he was able to reach the company that makes

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