The Palm Beach Post

Congress near accord on tax, spending deal

Package increases deficit by extending various tax credits.

- By Erica Werner Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Congressio­nal leaders were poised Tuesday to unveil a year-end tax and spending package that would fund the government through 2016, raise domestic and defense spending, and increase the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars by extending numerous popular tax credits without providing offsetting spending cuts or tax increases.

“The package has been completed. The agreements, we believe, have been properly struck,” House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions, R-Texas, told reporters after meeting with other members of House GOP leadership Tuesday evening. He said the tentative agreement was being reviewed by congressio­nal scorekeepe­rs and would be presented to lawmakers to review, though other aides said details were still being finalized.

Eleventh-hour negotiatio­ns turned on the mammoth deal pairing the $1.1 trillion spending legislatio­n with a giant tax bill catering to any number of special interests. The deal, Congress’ last major piece of unfinished business for the year, became the vehicle for countless long-sought priorities and odds and ends, including bankruptcy protection for Puerto Rico, reform of visa-free travel to the U.S., renewable energy tax credits and health benefits for 9/11 first responders.

Republican leaders predicted the legislatio­n will come to a vote Thursday, allowing lawmakers to head home for the holidays. First they will have to pass yet another short-term government funding extension, since the one they passed last week runs out at midnight Wednesday.

“In negotiatio­ns like this you win some, you lose some. Democrats won some, they lost some. We won some, we lost some,” new House Speaker Paul Ryan said at an event hosted by Politico. “At the end of the day, we’re going to get this done.”

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., seeking to maintain leverage, repeatedly cautioned that critical details remained unresolved, warning at one point, “At this pace, we’re going to be here through Christmas.”

With lawmakers of both parties eager to get out of Washington, it was perhaps an empty threat. But it underscore­d the degree to which Democrats, despite their minority status in Congress, have been able to exact a price in the negotiatio­ns, thanks to President Barack Obama’s veto pen and Republican­s’ need for Democratic votes to pass the spending bill.

“We may not be in the majority but we’re feeling that these goals are on track,” boasted Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

Last-stage negotiatio­ns focused on Democratic demands in exchange for lifting the 40-year-old ban on exporting crude oil, a Republican goal. Democrats were aiming to kill GOP attempts to roll back Obama environmen­tal regulation­s and also sought five-year extensions of wind and solar energy tax credits. A provision related to funding for ocean cleanups emerged as a sticking point at the last minute.

Democrats also sought to extend the child tax credit, opposing GOP demands for that participan­ts have Social Security numbers, which Democrats said could exclude the children of immigrants in this country il- legally.

From the White House, press secretary Josh Earnest sounded resigned to Obama signing a bill lifting the crude oil export ban despite previous threats to veto the measure as stand-alone legislatio­n. The export ban was imposed during energy shortages of the 1970s but has been declared outdated by industry allies, though environmen­talists say lifting it would amount to a giant windfall for the oil industry.

The final package is expected to ignore conservati­ve demands for language clamping down on Syrian refugees entering the U.S. Instead it would contain changes tightening up the visa waiver program that allows visa-free travel to the U.S. for citizens of 38 countries, including France and Belgium, where many of last month’s Paris attackers were residents.

Also in play were about 50 lapsed and expiring business and individu- al tax breaks that the two sides were looking to extend, in some cases permanentl­y. The price tag could mushroom to several hundred billion dollars or more over a decade, which would further add to federal deficits. The two sides were working to make some expiring business tax credits perma- nent in exchange for doing the same to tax breaks for children, college students and lower-earning families.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said such a deal would make a larger tax reform package easier to achieve next year, while satisfying business goals.

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