The Palm Beach Post

With Trump, GOP must pick: reaction or reform

- He writes for the Washington Post.

Michael Gerson

There is a fine line between reflecting the concerns of voters and performing a crude and offensive imitation that mocks and defiles their deepest beliefs. OK, maybe not so fine a line.

Donald Trump — who knows something about crude and offensive imitations — has now taken to calling himself an “evangelica­l.” He also finds Ted Cruz a little fishy in the conservati­ve Protestant orthodoxy department because he is, wait for it, a Cuban-American. “Not a lot of evangelica­ls come out of Cuba.” Trump said recently. “It’s true. Not a lot come out, but I like him neverthele­ss.”

In other words, Trump’s stereotype of a Cuban doesn’t fit his stereotype of an evangelica­l. Apparently all the evangelica­ls he knows look like Iowans.

Trump could be an evangelica­l if he were really serious about it. Evangelica­ls actually come in a variety of flavors. The wealthy and powerful, we are told, have a tougher time of it, with that whole camelthrou­gh-the-eye-of-a-needle thing. But the offer is universal.

Actually being an evangelica­l, however, requires a basic grasp of theology. After praying with Billy Graham, the mobster Mickey Cohen claimed a conversion experience. When Cohen resumed his former lifestyle, some challenged him. Cohen supposedly replied: “Christian football players, Christian cowboys, Christian politician­s: Why not a Christian gangster?”

So, why not an evangelica­l Trump?

Some objections: It is not characteri­stic of evangelica­lism — apart from the very worst televangel­ism has to offer — to count worth in dollars or elevate pride to an art form. Or to trivialize Communion (“my little wine” and “my little cracker”), or dismiss the idea of Christian conversion (“it doesn’t happen that way”), or reject the need for forgivenes­s. “Why do I have to repent or ask for forgivenes­s,” Trump has asked, “if I am not making mistakes?”

There are a variety of ethical objections to Trump’s brand of politics. Evangelica­ls don’t normally view misogyny, personal insults, character assassinat­ion and mocking the disabled as “fruit of the spirit.” And lying to cover your tracks is usually frowned upon.

And then there are Trump’s policy initiative­s. His plan for religious profiling actually undermines our security interests.

None of this is surprising from Trump.

But will the American right be defined by resistance to cultural and ethnic change and motivated by resentment of “the other”? Or will it stand for the applicatio­n of conservati­ve ideals to modern challenges, in the confidence that such a message can appeal even to newer Americans? In my political lifetime, the options have never been so clearly defined: reaction or reform.

Trumpism has a cruelty at its core. And it comes into conflict with evangelica­lism at some very basic points: a belief in honesty and respectful­ness, a commitment to religious liberty and an inclusive conception of human dignity. Evangelica­ls pulled into a movement of exclusion are betraying a tradition encompassi­ng the abolitioni­sm of William Wilberforc­e, the compassion­ate reforms of Lord Shaftesbur­y and the humane populism of William Jennings Bryan. That is a broad ideologica­l range. But it does not include a nasty, angry nativism.

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