The Palm Beach Post

Why good jobs are too few, wages are poor

- By Peter Morici Peter Morici is an economist and business professor at the University of Maryland.

Americans are justified to be angry about the economic recovery. As President Barack Obama enters his final year, good-paying jobs remain scarce and family incomes are down about $1,650 on his watch.

Since Ronald Reagan ran the country, the availabili­ty of attractive employment has been trending down and slowing economic growth is often blamed — during Obama’s recovery, gross domestic product has advanced at a 2.2 percent annual pace, whereas the comparable figures for Reagan and Clinton were 4.6 and 3.7 percent.

But that puts the story backward — the lack of workers adequately trained for a more technologi­cal demanding workplace is slowing growth, not the other way around.

Automation has been an enduring theme throughout American history. First, reapers and tractors consolidat­ed farms and sent workers to factories. Then machines replaced workers in manufactur­ing, pushing them into more highly paid profession­s in medicine, education and technology but also less well-paid occupation­s in restaurant­s, retailing and other services.

Until recently, computer-programmed machines could be taught strenuous and repetitive tasks like attaching a heavy, rigid fender onto an automobile. Going forward robots will increasing­ly replace people in activi- ties requiring more subtle manual dexterity — like making shirts and harvesting fruit — and those requiring more complex cognitive processes like masonry constructi­on, driving limousines and building new robots that adapt to changing environmen­tal conditions.

The drugstore I visit in Washington no longer has cashiers — just a group of checkout machines and one clerk to assist technologi­cally flummoxed patrons. Over the next two decades, robots will be capable of unloading pallets, stocking shelves, filling prescripti­ons, and generally running the store with minimal human interventi­on.

By 2030, it will become technologi­cally possible to replace 90 percent of the jobs as we know them by smart machines. The real challenge will be training most Americans to engage in intellectu- ally demanding and creative work, or the globalizat­ion of technology and competitio­n will relegate most of us to very low paying work better left to androids.

In 2016, Americans should be skeptical, not merely of false promises to restore prosperity made by Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump but also outraged by the handiwork of mainstream politician­s.

The latter’s efforts to make a high school diploma universal have made it a nearly worthless credential. Less than 40 percent of 12th-graders are ready to read or learn math at the college level, and many fewer have skills to enter technicall­y demanding positions without post-secondary training.

A college diploma is not much better. After pushing millions of unqualifie­d students into universiti­es through affirmativ­e action and government loan programs, 4 in 10 graduates lack the complex reasoning skills needed for white-collar work — as it exists today, never mind as it will be after machines equipped with high-level artificial intelligen­ce can replace armies of stockbroke­rs, insurance adjusters and restaurant managers over the next several decades.

Meanwhile, the president and his presumptiv­e heir, Hillary Clinton, remain obsessed with sexism in education and the workplace. That nearly 60 percent of college degrees are now awarded to women and females often earn more than males in comparable positions are inconvenie­nt facts when there are voters to be misled to extend a political dynasty.

And conservati­ves — including the likes of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio — oppose universal standards for more academic rigor like the Common Core.

The future lies in educating Americans, not to be angry about false injustice or an omnipresen­t state but, rather, to build and teach the machines that will do the work that has burdened humanity since the first branch was shaped into a hunting implement.

Without young people trained and encouraged to do that sophistica­ted work, the locus of prosperity will permanentl­y shift from America to Asia, where pragmatic leaders urge children to study engineerin­g, not the superstiti­ons peddled by pious academics and deceitful politician­s.

 ??  ?? Peter Morici says robots will increasing­ly replace workers.
Peter Morici says robots will increasing­ly replace workers.

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