The Palm Beach Post

After for-profififif­ififit schools go bust, students left in limbo

- By Jim Puzzangher­a and Ronald D. White Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — The forprofifi­t college boom has gone bust.

Closures of high-profile schools such as ITT Technical Institute have left thousands of students in limbo while raising questions about the future of an industry that provides much of the training for vocational, technical and other mid-level skilled jobs.

For-profifit schools are facing major challenges on several fronts after a period of meteoric growth.

Federal and state offifficia­ls have fifiled suits or launched investigat­ions into allegation­s of predatory lending and false advertisin­g by some leading chains. At the same time, the Obama administra­tion is trying to reshape the industry by pushing new regulation­s that would tie student debt limits to job prospects and make it easier for students to have their loans forgiven if they were defrauded — with the school potentiall­y on the hook for the tab.

For-profifit schools began aggressive­ly expanding their numbers and enrollment­s in 2000 as online education became more widespread, attracting students who were more likely to be low-income, minority and part- timers.

Those schools ratcheted up their growth even more after the Great Recession, wh e n ma n y A me r i c a n s sought new skills in hopes of finding better jobs in a tough labor market. Wall Street drove education company stock prices sky-high.

The problems that followed, including high default rates on student loans and accusation­s of predatory lending, triggered a crackdown by the Obama administra­tion.

I T T ’s pare nt c ompany blamed the administra­tion’s actions for the closure of the chain’s 137 campuses Sept. 6, meaning 35,000 students who were preparing to start classes last month won’t get the degrees they were seeking.

Alvaro Laborin, a 36-yearold Navy veteran from Los Angeles, said he spent the last few years working all manner of odd jobs — bartender, mechanic, Uber driver, even a walk-on Hollywood extra — to be able to afffffffff­ffford cybersecur­ity classes at an area ITT campus.

“It felt like home to me,” Laborin said. “This school h a s b e e n a r o u n d s i n c e before I was born and now it’s gone?”

He was among about 20 ITT students at a clinic last week at the offices of the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles to fifigure out their options. They include trying to transfer ITT credits to other schools or seeking forgivenes­s on student loans.

Laborin wasn’t sure if he would try to attend another for-profifit school or try a public community college. But he said he would not quit on his goal of a college education.

“I’d rather be in debt up to my neck for the rest of my life than give up now,” he said. “When things like this happen, you have to either change or be the one who gets left behind.”

Less than 18 months ago, thousands of students at another high-profile forprofifi­t chain were forced into the same situation. Corinthian Colleges Inc. closed the doors on its remaining campuses following government allegation­s of falsififie­d job placement rates.

Many s t u d e n t s a t I T T, Corinthian and other forprofifi­t schools paid for their education by taking out federally backed and private student loans. And though borrowing has shot up at all colleges and universiti­es in recent years, students at forprofifi­t schools led the way.

Their federal student loan originatio­ns increased tenf o l d f ro m 2 000 t o 2 01 1 , according to new research from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Those students were more likely to default. Many either didn’t fifinish school or graduated but were unable to land well-paying jobs in their fifield.

“They’ve done their part of the bargain. They took out the loans to pay for their education. They graduated and what the school promised them wasn’t true,” said Debbie Cochrane, vice president of the Institute for College Access and Success, a nonprofifi­t group that advocates for broader access to higher education.

Since 2004, annual default rates for students at four-year for-profifit schools have been two to three times those of public or nonprofifi­t private institutio­ns, the New York Fed researcher­s found.

Despite the high-profile closures, the industry is still large. In 2015, there were about 3,500 for-profifit institutio­ns, including two-year and four-year vocational and technical schools. That’s an increase of 36 percent since 2000, according to the New York Fed data.

About 1.6 million students a t t e n d e d t h o s e s c h o o l s . Enrollment nearly quadrupled from 2000 to 2011, with a surge after the Great Recession began in late 2007.

Although enrollment has declined since 2011, a sharp increase in heavily debt-saddled students has drawn the ire of consumer groups and liberal activists who have accused the schools of predatory lending.

Steve Gunderson, president of Career Education Colleges and Universiti­es, a trade group for the for-profifit college industry, acknowledg­ed that there have been problems.

“This sector grew too fast and too much during the recession. We practiced open enrollment and admitted students even if they weren’t ac ademically prepared,” he said. “A lot of students dropped out, had debt and default. We shouldn’t walk away from that.”

But Gunderson and others in the industry have said the Obama administra­tion has unfairly targeted for-profifit schools through enforcemen­t actions and new regulation­s.

The moves threaten opportunit­ies for students to get trained in fifields that public and private nonprofifi­t colleges often don’t offfffffff­fffer, such as truck driving, cosmetolog­y, automotive repair and medical office work, said Gunderson, whose associatio­n does not include ITT Technical Institute.

In August, the Education Department barred ITT from enrolling new students who used federal financial aid because of “signifific­ant concerns” about the chain’s operations and financial viability.

In 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission fifiled fraud charges against ITT Educationa­l Services and the company’s two top executives. The SEC said ITT hid from investors the poor performanc­e and looming fifinancia­l impact of two private student loan programs the company guaranteed.

And in 2014, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau sued ITT for predatory lending, accusing the company of pushing students into highcost private loans that were likely to end in default.

Other big players are also facing problems. In January, the Federal Trade Commis- sion filed suit against the operators of DeVry University, alleging its ads deceived potential students about their job and earnings prospects. And the FTC has been investigat­ing the Universit y of Phoenix for similar deceptive marketing practices.

O n t o p o f t h a t , o t h e r changes will make it more diffifficu­lt on for-profifit schools.

In June, a federal panel recommende­d the shutdown of the Accreditin­g Council for Independen­t Colleges and Schools, which provides the accreditat­ion necessary for many schools to have access to federal fifinancia­l aid. If the recommenda­tion is approved by Education Department offifficia­ls, those institutio­ns will have to find another accreditor — and that could be diffifficu­lt.

At t h e s a me t i me, t h e Obama administra­tion has toughened regulation­s of for-profifit schools. New rules for schools that offfffffff­fffer career training — for-profits and public community colleges with non- degree programs — would limit the amount of debt that students can take out relative to the incomes they can expect to earn with their education.

And t h i s s u mmer, t h e Education Department proposed new rules that make it easier for students to have loans forgiven if they were defrauded or deceived. The school could be required to pay offff the loan balances for claims that are upheld.

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