The Palm Beach Post

Trump conference shows he keeps whine unbottled

- She writes for the New York Times. He writes for the Washington Post.

Gail Collins

Finally, Donald Trump held a news conference. I know you want to hear the sex-in-Russia part.

The world learned this week about memos from a retired British intelligen­ce officer on relations between the Trump campaign and the Russians. They included some speculatio­n about whether there were compromisi­ng videos of Trump cavorting in a Russian hotel that might explain his enthusiast­ic support for Vladimir Putin.

The report wasn’t prepared by our intelligen­ce agencies; it was opposition research done on contract for some other campaigns. It had been bouncing around Washington for a while. You didn’t hear about it because nobody could confirm any of the allegation­s.

But a summary of the memos showed up in the briefing Trump got from the intelligen­ce agencies last week. Wouldn’t you have liked to be there to see the reaction?

Then a version of the report showed up online, and naturally it came up Wednesday at Trump’s news conference.

About that press conference. Here are some of the things we learned:

■ The reason he hasn’t shown up to answer questions from reporters since July is “inaccurate news.”

■ The Russians don’t have any secret tapes of him behaving badly in a hotel room because every time he goes to hotels abroad, he warns everybody: “Be very careful, because in your hotel rooms and no matter where you go, you’re gonna probably have cameras.” Of everything Trump said during the news conference, this was perhaps the most convincing.

■ He is not going to divest himself of his businesses, but his two adult sons will be running them. He was just doing this out of his ethical heart, since there are no conflict-of-interest rules for the president.

■ He’ll release his taxes once the audit is finished. (You remember that audit. Its friends call it Godot.)

■ The inaugurati­on is going to be “a beautiful event” because “we have great talent.” (Military bands were mentioned.)

■ “If Putin likes Donald Trump I consider that an asset, not a liability.”

■ “Over the weekend I was offered $2 billion to do a deal in Dubai.”

He was all over the place. It was, in a way, a great strategy. We’ve been waiting for a long time to hear how Trump would deal with his businesses — and his refusal to divest drove ethics watchdogs crazy. But Wednesday, the whole topic got drowned in the hubbub over the leaked report. And Trump’s relationsh­ip with Vladimir Putin. And his theory on hotel cameras.

This kind of rapid-fire diversion could be the work of a political genius, but in fact it’s just how our next president’s mind naturally seems to operate. It bounces hither and yon. The only ongoing focus is what it all means to Trump. Did he look good? How was the crowd? Did anyone betray him?

He was definitely playing the victim when it came to the leaked report. He blamed the intelligen­ce services, which he compared, with great originalit­y and careful choice of words, to Nazis.

Since the election, the media and many Democratic politician­s have wrung their hands over their failure to pay attention to the legitimate anger in the Trump-tilting parts of the country. And good for them.

But it’s time to remember that there are about 66 million Clinton voters who have a right to be angry, too. Charles Krauthamme­r

The shortest honeymoon on record is officially over. Normally, newly elected presidents enjoy a wave of goodwill that allows them to fly high at least through their first 100 days. Donald Trump has not yet been sworn in and the honeymoon has already come and gone.

Presidents-elect usually lie low during the interregnu­m. Trump never lies low. He seized the actual presidency from Barack Obama within weeks of his election — cutting ostentatio­us deals with U.S. manufactur­ers to keep jobs at home, challengin­g 40-yearold China policy, getting into a very public fight with the intelligen­ce agencies. By now he has taken

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