The Palm Beach Post

For Trump, the honeymoon has already come and gone


over the presidenti­al stage.

The result is quantifiab­le. A Quinnipiac poll from Nov. 17-20 showed a decided bump in Trump’s popularity and in general national optimism. It didn’t last long. In the latest Quinnipiac poll, the numbers have essentiall­y returned to Trump’s historical­ly dismal pre-election levels.

For several reasons. First, the refusal of an unbending left to accept the legitimacy of Trump’s victory. It’s not just the demonstrat­ors chanting “not my president.” It is leading Democrats pushing one line after another to delegitimi­ze the election, as in: he lost the popular vote, it’s James Comey’s fault, the Russians did it.

Second, Trump’s own inclinatio­ns are a thirst for attention that leads to hyperactiv­ity. His need to dominate every news cycle feeds an almost compulsive tweet habit. It has placed him just about continuous­ly at the center of the national conversati­on and not always to his benefit.

Finally, it’s his chronic indiscipli­ne, his jumping randomly from one subject to another without rhyme, reason or larger strategy. In a week packed with confirmati­on hearings and Russian hacking allegation­s, what was he doing meeting with Robert Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaccine activist pushing the thoroughly discredite­d idea that vaccines cause autism?

We know from way back during the Republican debates that Trump himself has dabbled in this dubious territory. One could, however, write it off as one of many campaign oddities that would surely fade away. Not so, apparently.

Kennedy says that Trump asked him to chair a commission about vaccine safety. While denying that, the transition team does say that the commission idea remains open. Either way, the damage is done. The anti-vaccine fanatics seek any validation. This indirect endorsemen­t from Trump is immensely harmful.

The vaccinatio­n issue was merely an exclamatio­n point on the scatter-brained randomness of the Trump transition. All of which contribute­s to the harried, almost wearying feeling that we are already well into the Trump presidency.

And yet it turns out that such auspicious beginnings are not at all predictive. We could see it this same week. Tuesday night, there stood Obama giving a farewell address that only underscore­d the failure of a presidency so bathed in optimism at its start. The final speech, amazingly, could have been given, nearly unedited, in 2008. Why, it even ended with “yes we can.”

Is there more powerful evidence of the emptiness of the intervenin­g two terms? When your final statement is a reprise of your first, you have unwittingl­y confessed to being nothing more than a historical parenthesi­s.

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