The Palm Beach Post

Trump, GOP have created government of lies, deceit

- He writes for the Washington Post.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

We shouldn’t blithely move on to other matters until we deal with the institutio­nal carnage inflicted upon us by Donald Trump.

The current president of the United States has accused former President Barack Obama of committing a felony by having him wiretapped. But Trump refuses to offer a shred of evidence for perhaps the most incendiary charge one president has ever leveled against another. Trump recklessly set off a mighty explosion and his spokespeop­le duck and dodge, hoping we’ll pretend nothing happened.

If our republic had a responsibl­e Congress, its leaders would accept their duty to demand that a president who shakes his country and the world with such an outlandish allegation either put up proof or apologize.

Unfortunat­ely, we have no such Congress.

Instead, Republican leaders think it is time for business as usual, which in their case means figuring out how to deprive low-income people of health insurance while cutting taxes on the rich and increasing the deficit.

This is what their replacemen­t of Obamacare would do. Democrats have quickly labeled the bill “Trumpcare,” and why not? Trump described it as “wonderful.” What’s interestin­g about his embrace is that the proposal fails (forgive me) bigly in living up to the joyous health care future Trump envisioned.

“Everybody’s got to be covered,” the Magician of Mar-a-Lago said on “60 Minutes” in 2015. “I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not.”

Trump’s health care vows are as credible as his assertions against Obama and as reliable as the guarantees he made to students at Trump University. They sued him over how fake his claims were, and he had to settle.

No one should act as if Trump didn’t warn us about his negotiable relationsh­ip with the truth. He laid it out in his 1987 best-seller, “The Art of the Deal.” Trump wrote: “I play to people’s fantasies. ... People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacula­r.” He spoke of “truthful hyperbole,” which he defined as “an innocent form of exaggerati­on.”

But exaggerati­on is not innocent when it means depriving the old, the sick and the poor of health insurance. If there is one beautiful thing about the health-care proposal House Republican­s released this week, it is that it exposes how much untruthful hyperbole Republican­s engaged in about Obamacare and what they would replace it with.

Republican­s are badly split over this bill because, like Trump, GOP leaders could never keep all the promises they made. The ultra-conservati­ves have denounced the spending it authorizes. Well, yes, even inadequate efforts to subsidize health insurance cost a lot of money.

And Republican­s from states with many Obamacare beneficiar­ies are wary that this House confection could endanger the coverage of many of their constituen­ts, particular­ly with its unconscion­able long-term cuts to Medicaid. Memo to political consultant­s: Remember all the GOP voters who have been helped by the Affordable Care Act.

It is sad, to paraphrase the Tweeter in Chief, that Washington is now a city of avoidance, denial and deception. Whether he’s talking about policy or his political adversarie­s, Trump is simply not believable. And his friends in Congress are no more trustworth­y. Welcome to Fantasylan­d.

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