The Palm Beach Post

Republican­s find governing a struggle despite D.C. monopoly

- By Thomas Beaumont and Bill Barrow Associated Press

The Republican Party of “no” for Democrat Barack Obama’s eight years is having a hard time getting to “yes” in the early Donald Trump era.

The unmitigate­d failure of the GOP bill to replace Obamacare underscore­d that Republican­s are a party of upstart firebrands, old-guard conservati­ves and moderates in Democratic-leaning districts. Despite the GOP monopoly on Washington, they are pitted against one another and struggling for a way to govern.

The div i s i o ns c o s t t he party its best chance to fulfill a seven-year promise to undo Obama’s Affordable Care Act and cast doubt on whether the Republican-led Congress can do the monumental — the first overhaul of the nation’s tax system in more than 30 years — as well as the basics: keeping the government open at the end of next month, raising the nation’s borrowing authority later this year and passing the 12 spending bills for federal agencies and department­s.

While the anti-establishm­ent bloc that grew out of the tea party’s rise helped the Republican­s win majorities in Congress in 2010 and 2014, the internal divide, complicate­d further by Trump’s independen­ce, threatens the GOP’s ability to deliver on other promises.

“I think we have to do some soul-searching internally to determine whether or not we are even capable as a governing body,” said Rep. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota in the bitter aftermath of the health care debacle.

Despite a commanding majority in the House, an advantage in the Senate and Trump in the White House, Republican­s hardly seem to be on the same team.

“There are some folks in the Republican House caucus who have yet to make the pivot from complainin­g to governing,” said Republican pollster Whit Ayres. “And this is a White House controlled by a politician who is not really trying to lead a party.”

The GOP health care bill exposed philosophi­cal fissures masked by years of rejecting and resisting all things Obama. The legislatio­n’s provision to repeal essential health benefits such as maternity care and emergency services was designed to appeal to hard-line conservati­ves who don’t think the government should be in the health care business.

That unnerved GOP moderates, especially those in districts won by Democrat Hillary Clinton last year, who were worried about tens of thousands of constituen­ts losing Medic aid or older voters being forced to pay more. The irony is that both the health care debate and Trump’s proposed budget cuts to domestic programs from Appalachia to the inner cities reminded many Americans that government can do some good.

P ul l i ng t he b i l l F r i day cleared out Washing ton, giving House Republican­s a chance to cool off back home this weekend. Still, some seethed while others couldn’t hide their frustratio­n, hardly a combinatio­n for unity and success.

M i c h i g a n R e p . J u s t i n Amash said he and his conservati­ve colleagues wanted a full-blown departure from the Obama law, rather than what Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., was offering, but were given little voice.

“From the beginning of the process, I think the way it was set up did not bring the disparate parts of the conference together,” Amash said.

New York Rep. Chris Collins, an early Trump backer, echoed the bill’s supporters in chiding opponents for not seizing the opportunit­y to deliver on the perennial campaign promise.

“I can tell you right now there’s bitterness within our conference, it’s going to take time to heal that,” Collins said.

Ryan pledged the House would return to its campaign agenda, including legislatio­n aimed at beefing up border security and increasing spending on the military and public works while also reining in the budget deficit. The GOP has to move beyond the defeat, with midterm elections next year and the historic disadvanta­ge the president’s party typically faces.

“We were a 10-year opposition part y where being against things was easy to do. You just had to be against it,” Ryan told reporters after canceling the vote. “And now, in three months’ time, we try to go to governing where we actually have to get ... people to agree with each other.”

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