The Palm Beach Post

Justice Dept. debates charges against WikiLeaks members

- By Matt Zapotosky and Ellen Nakashima Washington Post

WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutor­s are weighing whether to bring criminal charges against members of the WikiLeaks organizati­on, taking a second look at a leak of diplomatic cables and military documents and investigat­ing whether the group bears criminal responsibi­lity for the more recent revelation of sensitive CIA cybertools, according to people familiar with the case.

The Justice Department u n d e r P re s i d e n t B a r a c k Obama had decided not to charge WikiLeaks for revealing some of the government’s most sensitive secrets — concluding that doing so would be akin to prosecutin­g a news organizati­on for publishing classififi­ed informatio­n. Justice Department leadership under President Donald Trump, though, has indicated to prosecutor­s that it i s open to taking another look at the case, which the Obama administra­tion did not formally close.

It i s not cle ar whether prosecutor­s are also looking at WikiLeaks’ role last year in publishing emails from the Democratic National Committee and the account of Hillary Clinton campaign c ha i r man Jo hn Pode s t a , which U.S. offifficia­ls have said were hacked by the Russian government. Offifficia­ls have said individual­s “one step” removed from the Kremlin passed the stolen messages to WikiLeaks as part of a broader Russian plot to inflfluenc­e the 2016 presidenti­al election.

P r o s e c u t o r s i n r e c e n t weeks have been drafting a memo that contemplat­es charges against members of the WikiLeaks organizati­on, possibly including conspiracy, theft of government property or violating the Espionage Act, offifficia­ls said. The memo, though, is not complete, and any charges against members of WikiLeaks, including founder Julian Assange, would need approval from the highest levels of the Justice Department.

Barry Pollack, an attorney for Assange, said Justice Department offifficia­ls had not discussed with him or Assange the status of any investigat­ion, despite his requests that they do so. He said there was

no legitimate basis for the Department of Justice to treat WikiLeaks diffffffff­fffferentl­y than it treats other journalist­s.”

“The fact of the matter is — however frustratin­g it might be to whoever looks bad when informatio­n is published — WikiLeaks is a publisher, and they are publishing truthful informatio­n that is in the public’s interest,” Pollack said. “Democracy thrives because there are independen­t journalist­s reporting on what it is that the government is doing.”

Pol l a c k noted t hat t he Obama administra­tion was “no shrinking violet when it came to pursuing reporters and journalist­s,” a reference to the Obama Justice Department’s repeated attempts to prosecute leakers. Pollack said he hoped “this administra­tion will be more respectful, not less respectful of the First Amendment than the prior administra­tion was.”

Prosecutor­s are t r ying to determine the extent to which WikiLeaks encouraged or direc ted sources to engage in illegal activity.

In March, WikiLeaks publi shed thousands of file s revealing secret cybertools used by the CIA to convert cellphones, television­s and other ordinary devices into implements of espionage. The FBI has made significan­t progress in the investigat­ion of the leak, narrowing the list of possible suspects, officials said. The officials did not describe WikiLeaks’ exact role in the case beyond publishing the tools.

Prosecutor­s are also reexaminin­g the leaks from Chelsea Manning, the Army soldier who was convicted in 2013 of revealing sensitive diplomatic cables. Manning, then identififi­ed as male, chatted with Assange about a technique to crack a password so he could log on to a computer anonymousl­y, and that conversati­on, which came up during Manning’s court-martial, could be used as evidence that WikiLeaks went beyond the role of publisher or journalist.

 ??  ?? WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

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