The Palm Beach Post

Community stepped up to protect foster children during Irma


Like every Florida resident, the past weeks have taken a toll on me. I continue to feel for those who have experience­d loss and must now endure the stress of rebuilding. But there is also have an immense feeling of gratitude for the many members of the community who came forward to make certain children in foster care were not forgotten during this chaotic time.

When Hurricane Irma made landfall, there were nearly 5,000 children living in foster and group homes throughout Broward and Palm Beach counties. These are children who have been removed from their homes because of an incident of abuse, abandonmen­t or neglect, and as a result, now depend on the community around them for their daily needs. Providing for the needs of these children is an especially heavy responsibi­lity in the face of a storm as dangerous as Irma.

Ensuring the safety of nearly 5,000 children under the age of 18 during a hurricane is a truly staggering undertakin­g — an undertakin­g that no organizati­on could do alone. ChildNet is pleased to announce that every single child in our local foster care system made it through the storm without incident.

The credit belongs to the hundreds of foster families and group home providers who protected the foster children in their care as if they were their own. This was exemplifie­d by Marc and Jennifer Bell who took in 70 foster children in the aftermath of the storm. The credit belongs to the officers of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department who graciously remained at ChildNet’s SafePlace Shelter to assist staff with the children during the storm. The credit belongs to Broward and Palm Beach counties, which worked with ChildNet in the days leading up to the storm to make certain all necessary resources were readily available. The credit belongs to staff members from numerous child welfare agencies and organizati­ons who, without hesitation, left their own families to provide around-the-clock services and support.

As our community turns its attention to the task of recovery, we cannot forget our children in foster care. While we spend our days repairing our damaged homes, it is my sincere hope that some of us will also make a commitment to repairing the hearts and rebuilding the confidence of our community’s most vulnerable children.

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