The Palm Beach Post

Family members must have Tdap vaccine before meeting new baby

- To Your Health

Dr. Keith Roach

Question: I’m expecting a baby in a few months, and my doctor told me that everyone who will come into contact with her must get the Tdap vaccine. If some family members don’t get it, should I keep them from meeting the baby until she’s old enough to be fully vaccinated? — H.C.

Answer: Hope and congratula­tions are in order. May your baby be healthy.

It’s clearly recommende­d that parents, siblings, grandparen­ts and other close contacts with an infant be up to date on their Tdap vaccine.

“T” is for tetanus, which is not transmitte­d from person to person. “D” is diphtheria, which is extremely rare in this country. The concern is the “AP,” acellular pertussis, because although it causes an annoying and long-lasting cough in adults, it is life-threatenin­g to newborns. In the prevaccine era, thousands of infants died from pertussis (also called “whooping cough,” even though adults don’t whoop), mostly infected by adults.

I recommend that all close contacts be immunized, and that you take care to protect your baby from anyone with a cough (immunized or unimmunize­d, since the vaccine isn’t perfect) until she is fully immunized. Babies get the DTaP vaccine at

2, 4 and 6 months, then boosters at 18 months and 4 years.

Q: A letter that appeared in your column recently surprised me greatly. The writer, who was 86, referred to having a colonoscop­y “two years ago.” I am 93, and about 15 years ago I was rejected for a colonoscop­y because I was over 75; I was told that it had just been learned that the risk of perforatio­n was too high after that age. So far, I have escaped the consequenc­es of not having a colonoscop­y, but my wife of 67 years was not so fortunate. Earlier this year, she was diagnosed with colon cancer that had spread to her liver. She died 23 days after the diagnosis. What is the current thought on colonoscop­y for seniors? —T.

A: I am sorry to hear about your wife.

All medical procedures have both risks and benefits, and the doctor’s job is to make recommenda­tions based on his or her knowledge of the patient and the patient’s health, medical conditions and preference­s. Guidelines are helpful, but they don’t apply to every patient.

The United States Preventive Services Task Force’s guidelines are clear that people 75 and under generally are good candidates for screening; those between 76 and 85 should have an individual­ized approach; and screening over 85 is not recommende­d.

Risks of complicati­ons from colonoscop­y definitely increase as people get older. Of course, some 85-year-olds are healthier than others: One good rule of thumb is that those with a life expectancy that is less than 10 years not get screened; however, physicians aren’t always so good at making that determinat­ion.

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