The Palm Beach Post

Guardian reformists look to police

They want the sheriff to make arrests when guardians bilk families.

- By Lawrence Mower Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

WEST PALM BEACH — After nearly three hours of grievance and outrage over Florida’s guardiansh­ip system Tuesday night, the group of activists and victims had seemingly gotten nowhere.

“It seems to me that we have a problem and no method to reach a solution,” said Dr. Sam Sugar, co-founder of Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardiansh­ip, who organized the town hall about guardiansh­ip in West Palm Beach.

But Sugar had an idea. He turned to panel member Anthony Palmieri, chief guardiansh­ip investigat­or for the Palm Beach County Clerk’s Office, and asked: Would Palmieri arrange a meeting with Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw?

“The sheriff needs to hear what went on here tonight,” Sugar said.

Palmieri laughed and said he’d try.

If there was a common theme at Tuesday’s forum, it was that law enforcemen­t has been largely absent as families say they watch local guardians bilk their loved ones’ estates.

“I would like to hope that we could sit down with Ric Bradshaw and tell him how important these issues are,” said attorney Greg Coleman, a former president of the Florida Bar who is now on the state’s Judicial Qualificat­ions Commission. “Maybe he and his senior staff just don’t know.”

In other states, notably Nevada, police and prosecutor­s have made multiple arrests of guardians and lawyers accused of abusing their authority over incapacita­ted seniors. With complete control over a senior’s assets, guardians and lawyers can use the senior’s estates to pay themselves for unnecessar­y work.

Palm Beach County has not made any such arrests.

The Palm Beach Post has reported extensivel­y on cases in which family members of wards claim guardians and lawyers are taking advantage of their loved ones but few involved complaints made to law enforcemen­t. The Post’s series, Guardiansh­ip: A Broken Trust, details conflict of interest and claims of favoritism involving former Circuit Judge Martin Colin and his wife, Elizabeth “Betsy” Savitt, who works

as a profession­al guardian.

A federal jury recently awarded $16.4 million against the lawyers of profession­al guardians to a multimilli­onaire ward for running up “unnecessar­y and excessive fees.” The case came from Colin’s courtroom, where the judge lavished praise upon the lawyers. They are appealing the verdict.

State Rep. Emily Slosberg, D-Delray Beach, who was on Tuesday night’s panel, said it was “incredible” that Savitt is still allowed to work as a guardian.

“It’s unbelievab­le. And something has to be done about it,” she said.

But the problems with Florida’s guardiansh­ip system go beyond a lack of criminal enforcemen­t.

“Really, the system itself just needs to be blown up,” Coleman said, and replaced with something that is “more fair, transparen­t and equitable.”

The Post’s investigat­ions were done by reporter John Pacenti, who joined Slosberg and Coleman on the panel. He said others have suggested reforming the system by capping lawyer’s fees in guardiansh­ip cases and requiring lawyers to represent the ward instead of the guardian.

Being a guardian “used to be pro bono, charitable work,” Pacenti said. “It wasn’t about money. Somehow that changed.”

Only one person pushed back from the anti-guardiansh­ip tone of the event: Scott Greenberg, a past president of the Florida State Guardiansh­ip Associatio­n.

He disputed, as he said, Sugar’s characteri­zation of guardiansh­ips as a “fraudulent, unstoppabl­e engine designed to steal people’s money.”

“There is unbelievab­le wonderful work performed by profession­al guardians across this state and across this nation,” Greenberg said.

Several members of the audience stood up, pointing and shouting at Greenberg about how bad guardians had ruined their families and their estates.

Greenberg then challenged Sugar to a debate on Greenberg’s radio show. Sugar accepted.

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