The Palm Beach Post



Once a month, I go to Birmingham, Ala., for dinner and bridge with old friends. We always have interestin­g deals.

I was today’s East. At my second turn, my hand was too promising to raise to two hearts but too weak to bid two spades and support hearts next. So I tried raising to three hearts. Many pairs could have made a “support double” to show three-card heart support. After West bid four hearts, South tried five diamonds, thinking North might have a heart singleton plus a bit of strength.

West doubled and found the good lead of a trump. When your opponents sacrifice, a trump lead is often best. South lost three hearts, a spade and a club for down three. As it happened, any lead would have led to the same result.

We were plus 500. We could have made four hearts for plus 620, which I suppose vindicates North’s featherwei­ght raise to two diamonds. Repeated diamond leads, forcing dummy to ruff with a trump honor, would beat five hearts.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: A653 KQ7 5

K Q 9 5 2. You open one club, your partner responds one heart, you bid one spade and he tries two diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s two diamonds — a bid in a new suit — suggests strength. Jump to three hearts to show a promising hand with good three-card support. You would take a two-heart preference with a handsuchas­A653,875, K5,KQ95orA653,K5,5 4,AJ532.

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