The Palm Beach Post



Here’s another deal from my monthly fun game in Birmingham, Ala., with old friends and teammates.

I was South. When East entered with a double, I judged to continue describing my three-suited hand by bidding one heart. When my partner took a two-club preference, East aggressive­ly doubled again. West had nowhere to go.

I won the spade lead, took the ace of diamonds, ruffed a diamond, led a heart to dummy’s ace and ruffed a diamond. After cashing one high trump and the king of hearts, I ruffed a heart in dummy and scored my other high trump to make an overtrick.

Later I realized I had mistimed. If I ruff a heart in dummy after ruffing one diamond in my hand, I can ruff another diamond and lead a fourth heart. West can’t stop me from making a second overtrick. If he ruffs, dummy’s spade loser goes away, and I can ruff a spade in dummy for my 10th trick.

Maybe you wouldn’t consider it a tragedy to be plus 280 in a partscore deal, but I wasn’t happy.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: 74 A10 A7 532 8 6 4 2. Your partner opens one heart, you respond 1NT, he bids two diamonds and you raise to three diamonds. Partner then bids three hearts.

What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s three hearts accepts game invitation; he has a good hand, probably with six hearts and four diamonds. If he heldQ6,KQJ632,Q864, K, he would have rebid two hearts. Bid four hearts.

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