The Palm Beach Post

Unpatrioti­c players can count me out


The unpatrioti­c behavior of football players who have been exposed to brain trauma playing the game is understand­able. Condoning this behavior by Miami Dolphins team owner Stephen Ross is not.

This pathetic patronage to players will only accelerate the already declining viewership of NFL fans. I am proud to count myself as a patriotic former fan. CHARLES LYDAY,

Lest we forget, however, Kaepernick declined to stand during the anthem last NFL season to draw attention to our nation’s intractabl­e issue of racial injustice. He acted when there seemed to be a rash of shootings (some fatal) of unarmed black men by law enforcemen­t officers around the country.

You may remember that we had one such tragedy right here in Palm Beach County involving former Palm Beach Gardens police officer Nouman Raja, and a Delray Beach Housing Department employee and part-time drummer named Corey Jones. The 31-yearold Jones is dead after Raja pumped six bullets into him. Raja is now headed to trial on, among other things, attempted first-degree murder charges.

You may remember also, at the time, that a number of law-enforcemen­t officers involved in these shootings around the country were either not being prosecuted, or not being convicted.

Kaepernick, riding a wave of popularity after taking the 49ers to the Super Bowl, was frustrated by this perceived injustice and the lack of discussion in our communitie­s that he believed could help bring an end to it all.

Sure, many Americans know racism and racial inequality exist in this country, but talking about it is a whole other issue. It’s either not their problem because they’re not racist, or black people need to stop complainin­g and appreciate the fact they live in a great country.

To bring attention to this lack of will to talk about race, Kaepernick refused to stand during the national anthem for a country that would allow any of its citizens to be treated this way. He believed, strongly, that we needed to talk about it.

Was it the best venue for a protest? That’s certainly debatable.

But that shouldn’t be the crux of the debate. From Kaepernick’s standpoint, what good would another press conference do? Who would listen? Wouldn’t most folks be

Was it the best venue for a protest? That’s certainly debatable ... But that shouldn’t be the crux of the debate.

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