The Palm Beach Post

Everyone hates Republican tax plan — and here’s why

- Paul Krugman He writes for the New York Times.

Looking at the reactions to Republican tax plans, I found myself rememberin­g what people used to say about former Sen. Phil Gramm, whose presidenti­al ambitions never went anywhere but who did help cause the 2008 financial crisis: “Even his friends don’t like him.”

So it is with GOP tax “reform,” especially the Senate version, which would raise taxes on most individual­s, especially in the middle and working classes, and add around 13 million Americans to the ranks of the uninsured, all to pay for big cuts in corporate taxes. The general public strongly disapprove­s — by a 2-1 majority, according to Quinnipiac. But surely at least CEOs like the plan, right?

Actually, not so much. Gary Cohn, Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser, met with a group of top executives. They were asked to raise their hands if lower taxes would lead them to raise capital expenditur­es; only a handful did. “Why aren’t the other hands up?” asked Cohn, plaintivel­y.

The answer is that CEOs, living in the real world of business, not the imaginary world of right-wing ideologues, know that tax rates aren’t that important a factor in investment decisions. So they realize that even a huge tax cut wouldn’t lead to much more spending.

And with that realizatio­n, the rationale for this tax plan, such as it is, falls apart, leaving nothing but a scheme to make the rich — especially those who rake in investment income rather than working for a living — richer at everyone else’s expense.

The Trump administra­tion and its allies claim that cutting taxes on corporate profits would lead to an explosion in private investment and faster economic growth. Furthermor­e, the fruits of this growth would trickle down to American workers in the form of higher wages — and rising incomes would raise tax receipts, so the tax cuts would end up paying for themselves.

Even if some part of this story were true, there would be side consequenc­es they’re carefully not discussing. After all, if we’re talking about a big increase in capital expenditur­e, where does the money for that expenditur­e come from? Nothing in the bill would make Americans consume less and save more. So the money would have to come from abroad — from selling stocks, bonds and other assets to foreigners, on a massive scale.

And this inflow of foreign money would drive up the value of the dollar and lead to huge trade deficits: according to my analysis of the most optimistic forecast out there, more than $6 trillion in deficits over the next decade. These trade deficits would have a devastatin­g effect on manufactur­ing.

So in an attempt to limit that deficit blowout, Senate Republican­s are proposing significan­t tax increases on working families. In fact, according to Congress’s own Joint Committee on Taxation, taxes would rise on average for every group with incomes under $75,000 a year, and would surely rise for many families even in higher-income groups. The only significan­t winners would be those making more than $1 million a year. Populism!

So we’re talking about government of the people, not by the people, but by wealthy donors, for wealthy donors. Everyone else hates this plan — and they should.

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