The Palm Beach Post

We let Bill Clinton off hook, and there are repercussi­ons

- Mona Charen She writes for Creators Syndicate.

In 1983, two congressme­n, one a Democrat and the other a Republican, were censured by the House. Both admitted to having affairs with 17-yearold pages. The Republican, Daniel Crane, represente­d a conservati­ve Illinois district. His constituen­ts sent him packing the next year, despite his apology and request for forgivenes­s. The Democrat was Gerry Studds, who represente­d a liberal Massachuse­tts district. His relationsh­ip had been with a young man. He admitted to a “very serious error in judgment,” but seemed to imply that he was owed more latitude because he was gay. “It is not a simple task for any of us to meet adequately the obligation­s of either public office or private life, let alone both,” Studds said in an address to the House, “but these challenges are made substantia­lly more complex when one is, as I am, both an elected public official and gay.”

At the time, conservati­ves saw the congressme­n’s differing fates as symbolic of a difference between the parties. Sure, we conceded, there are bad apples everywhere, but the way they are received tells you about their constituen­ts.

In the 1990s, liberals and feminists unloaded on Sen. Bob Packwood and Justice Clarence Thomas. These were teachable moments, they said. A superior must never take advantage of his position to pressure a subordinat­e for sex or even for dates.

And then came Bill Clinton — and a resounding “never mind” echoed through liberal world. Gloria Steinem herself offered Clinton absolution in a New York Times op-ed.

“If President Clinton were as vital to preserving freedom of speech as he is to preserving reproducti­ve freedom,” she asked, “would journalist­s be condemned as ‘inconsiste­nt’ for refusing to suggest he resign? Forget it.”

Bottom line: Having the “right” views amounted to a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Of course, some conservati­ves are now up to their nostrils in hypocrisy themselves. They believed Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick, but the multiple accusation­s against Donald Trump were just political hits. And with Roy Moore, we’ve reached a truly upside-down world in which social conservati­ves find themselves saying that a district attorney who scoured shopping malls and courthouse­s for girls who couldn’t even drive yet was OK because, well, something about Joseph and Mary. Republican­s have come a long way since Daniel Crane.

Bill Clinton’s shamelessn­ess — and his party’s acquiescen­ce in it — corrupted our culture. What we choose to overlook determines what kind of society we are. We didn’t want to hold him to account, and so we told ourselves convenient lies, such as that it “was just sex.” It wasn’t. It was harassment, and assault, and abuse of power, and perjury. But his worst transgress­ion was refusing to acknowledg­e our unwritten code of honor. If he had done the right thing and resigned, he would have taken the disgrace on his own back, where it belonged.

Inevitably, because we let Bill Clinton off the hook, we had to downplay the seriousnes­s of his offenses. It is quite possible that Harvey Weinstein and Anthony Weiner and Kevin Spacey and Roger Ailes and the rest of the rotten roster of sex abusers thought, even if only in the back of their minds, that if they got caught, in our age, this sort of thing gets a wink and a nod.

After all, it’s just sex.

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