The Palm Beach Post

An explanatio­n of ankle sprains


Question: Why can it take so long for ankle sprains to heal?

Answer: Ankle sprains are often graded as mild, moderate or severe. Mild sprains involve “stretching” of the ligaments with no tearing. Many of us will experience a mild sprain at some point in our lives, and more often than not, medical attention will not be needed. Moderate sprains involve partial tearing of the ligaments. Severe sprains cause complete tearing of the ligaments. Generally, the more severe an injury, the more pain, swelling and trouble walking will be present.

Time to “full recovery” can vary. While many patients can be back to their previous level of activity in four to six weeks, there are some that require four to six months to recover. The severity of the injury is often not predictive of how long it may take to heal from a sprain. Ligaments are often unpredicta­ble in their healing times. Most broken bones (that don’t require surgery) can take about six weeks to heal, after which normal activity can generally be resumed. The same generaliza­tion cannot be made about ligaments.

While recovery times can be unpredicta­ble, measures can be taken to minimize that period. Appropriat­e initial immobiliza­tion, as determined by your orthopedis­t, can be important. Deciding on when to return to activity or sports is also crucial. Too soon of a return can often prolong recovery time. The risks and benefits of when to return to sports or activity can be discussed with your doctor. Lastly, a well planned rehabilita­tion/ physical therapy program can be paramount in restoring a sprained ankle back to its previous level of function.

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