The Palm Beach Post

Congress returns to a full slate of difficult issues

Avoiding shutdown, immigratio­n, health issues on to-do list.

- By Jeff Stein Washington Post

WASHINGTON — Congress faces a jam-packed to-do list when it returns this week, with deadlines looming on difficult issues — including how to fund the government and avoid a shutdown, stabilizin­g the nation’s health-insurance program for poor children, and whether to shield young undocument­ed immigrants from deportatio­n.

Fresh off a party-line vote to overhaul the tax code, the negotiatio­ns will test whether Congress and the White House still have the potential to craft any form of bipartisan agreement. If so, several of the year’s most contested issues might be resolved with months to spare before the 2018 midterm campaign heats up.

If not, the government could soon be on the verge of a shutdown, with pressing questions regarding health care, immigratio­n and other policies left unresolved. Also on the agenda is emergency relief for regions upended by last year’s natural disasters, a key national security program and the fate of an agreement to stabilize health insurance markets under the Affordable Care Act.

A big unknown is whether the shortened timeline will prove an asset in addressing all the issues before Congress, or a hindrance.

“Some of these things they’re talking about are huge, contentiou­s issues,” said Jane Calderwood, who served as chief of staff for then-Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine. “I can’t imagine it’s doable, and certainly not doable in a thoughtful way.”

Jim Manley, who served as an aide to then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said, “I’m not sure I’ve seen anything like it, at least in recent years, where so much high-profile stuff has to be done right out of the gate,”

Officials in both parties hope to make progress by Jan. 19, when a short-term government funding bill that Congress passed last month expires.

On Wednesday, senior congressio­nal leaders from both parties will meet at the Capitol with White House budget director Mick Mulvaney and legislativ­e-affairs director Marc Short to renew talks on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which expires on March 5. In September, President Donald Trump decided to sunset the program — started under the Obama administra­tion — that protects 700,000 young immigrants, often called “dreamers,” from deportatio­n.

Congressio­nal Republican­s and the White House have demanded that any deal to protect these immigrants include stronger border enforcemen­t — but exactly what that looks like is expected to be a key sticking point in negotiatio­ns.

“The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperatel­y needed WALL at the Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigratio­n etc.,” Trump said Thursday on Twitter. “Chain migration” refers to the policy that allows naturalize­d immigrants to petition for relatives to come to the United States.

Congressio­nal Democrats express openness to finding additional funding for border security but have ruled out funding the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border that Trump promised during his presidenti­al campaign.

“We’re not going to negotiate through the press and look forward to a serious negotiatio­n at Wednesday’s meeting when we come back,” said Drew Hammill, an aide to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

Democrats are under intense pressure from Hispanic lawmakers and progressiv­e activists to reject any government funding deal that does not resolve the issue. Already, Democratic senators have helped pass multiple funding deals that did not include DACA protection­s, including one in December.

About 22,000 DACA recipients failed to renew their applicatio­ns after the Trump administra­tion gave them 30 days to do so this September, with reports emerging of some applicatio­ns getting lost in the mail. At least 7,800 people in this group had lost their DACA status by December, and the rest will lose protection before March, according to the Center for American Progress, a center-left think tank.

“If Democrats don’t hold the line and ensure dreamers get protected, the unity between the grass roots and the elected party will shatter,” said Ben Wikler, Washington director of the progressiv­e group “Democrats and Republican­s have already kicked this can down the road three times already. A fourth time is unacceptab­le.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said last month he hopes a bipartisan working group led by Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, comes up with a deal the Senate can pass in January. But he didn’t commit to a specific timetable for a vote.

“We have been gridlocked on this issue for years,” McConnell told reporters last month. “We do not want to just spin our wheels and have nothing to show for it.”

But congressio­nal Republican­s face pressure from conservati­ve lawmakers and activists not to find protection­s for dreamers. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, an immigratio­n hawk, said last month that he urged Trump in a private phone call not to renew DACA.

“Granting amnesty rewards lawbreaker­s and destroys the rule of law,” King said.

Beyond DACA, lawmakers will also have to agree to new government funding levels or pass another shortterm extension of spending limits — known as a continuing resolution — by Jan. 19. Failure to do so would cause a government shutdown, which would cost the economy about $6.5 billion every week it lasts.

Keeping the government funded at existing levels (or increasing government spending) would put Congress on track to trigger automatic spending cuts through what is called the sequester, because of a 2011 law that imposed caps on spending. Congress must raise these caps, as it did in 2013 and 2015, by February to avoid these across-the-board cuts to government programs.

But Democrats and Republican­s have been unable to resolve an impasse over how to raise the caps. Republican­s passed a bill in December to increase military funding alone by $650 billion through Sept. 30. Congressio­nal Democrats have held firm to the line that every dollar increase in military spending must be met by an equal increase in domestic spending, in line with previous agreements in the past to avoid the sequester.

Lawmakers also will have to increase the debt ceiling by March, when the Treasury Department can no longer meet the federal government’s financial obligation­s without additional borrowing, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center.

Similarly unresolved is the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which 9 million children use to help meet their medical costs. Right before the Christmas break, Congress plowed $3 billion into CHIP — money that will prevent 1.9 million children from losing coverage in January, according to the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute. But that temporary solution keeps CHIP funded for only three more months, and state health programs throughout the country have begun notifying families that funding could expire.

In November, House Republican­s passed a bill to fund CHIP, but Democrats argued that the measure did so by removing money from a public-health preventive-care fund set up under the Affordable Care Act. Democrats want CHIP funded without cutting funding for other federal health programs.

The law authorizin­g the government to obtain communicat­ions of foreign intelligen­ce targets without an individual­ized warrant — a process that also collects the emails and phone calls of any Americans in communicat­ion with the foreign targets — is set to expire on Jan. 19. The program, originally set to end on Jan. 1, was extended for three weeks at the last minute before the Christmas recess.

Intelligen­ce officials have said that under the law, which is known as Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, existing court orders allowing surveillan­ce will remain in effect until April. Security hawks and the intelligen­ce community have defended it as an essential safeguard against terrorism and a valuable tool for gathering foreign intelligen­ce, while civil-liberty advocates say without revisions it creates the potential for abuses of government power. A House aide predicted that the program would be put to a standalone vote shortly after Congress returns.

Before the Christmas break, the House approved an $81 billion relief package for victims of recent hurricanes and wildfires in California. Democrats criticized that plan as inadequate, particular­ly for the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, which are still struggling with widespread power outages.

 ?? ALEX WONG / GETTY IMAGES 2017 ?? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he hopes a bipartisan working group comes up with a deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program the Senate can pass this month.
ALEX WONG / GETTY IMAGES 2017 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he hopes a bipartisan working group comes up with a deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program the Senate can pass this month.

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