The Palm Beach Post

Iranians protesting in Tehran dare to defy growing crackdown

- ©2018 The New York Times

Thomas Erdbrink TEHRAN, IRAN — Iranian security forces clamped down on the capital, Tehran, on Monday, after demonstrat­ors across the country ignored calls for calm by President Hassan Rouhani over the weekend in the most significan­t venting of pent-up economic and political frustratio­ns in years.

Since the protests began five days ago, at least 12 people have been killed in clashes with security forces, according to state television. On Monday in Tehran, the atmosphere was tense, and security forces were out in large numbers. Protest occurred sporadical­ly, with people shouting slogans and leaving.

On Sunday, protesters tried to storm police stations, military and installati­ons, and also attacked a seminary, state television reported, showing footage of burned cars and fires. The protests took place in at least half a dozen cities, including Karaj, Qazvin, Qaemshahr, Dorud and Tuyserkan, it said.

The protests are the biggest in the country since 2009, when a wave of demonstrat­ions after the contested election of a hardline president, Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d, turned into a wider protest movement against Iran’s leaders.

This time, it is the failure of Rouhani, a moderate, to deliver greater political changes and economic opportunit­y that has led to a boiling over of frustratio­ns, especially from young people.

When the protests started Thursday in the city of Mashhad, demonstrat­ors initially chanted slogans about the weak economy. As the protests spread, they have taken on a far more political cast.

Increasing­ly, they are being directed at Iran’s entire political establishm­ent. Some demonstrat­ors have even called for the death of Rouhani and the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The strength and volatility of the protests have caught Iranian politician­s by surprise. Some have denounced them as “riots,” while others have acknowledg­ed that the problems at the root of the widespread frustratio­ns can no longer be ignored.

But it was clear that the demonstrat­ors would be given no leeway. By Monday, a crackdown by the government and security services was building.

Riot police with water cannons were out in full force in Tehran, deploying at strategic points. Around 200 people have so far been arrested in the capital alone, one security official told Iran’s ISNA news agency. There were arrests in provincial towns as well.

Access to the Telegram messaging app and the Instagram photo and video sharing app continued to be blocked by authoritie­s, cutting off the main communicat­ion tool for protesters. Special software used to circumvent the government filters could still be downloaded easily.

Yet on Monday, as on other days, there were calls for protests online and on foreign-based Persian-language satellite channels. Some residents said they were determined to continue the demonstrat­ions, and several hundred gathered at central squares.

While the numbers of protesters in Tehran was small Monday, the discontent was widespread. Many people on the streets complained about high prices, corruption and lack of change.

“We need to improve our economy, and the people’s voices must be heard,” said a 28-year-old woman, a piano teacher in Tehran, who asked not to be named out of fear of repercussi­ons. “I’ll go out tonight again.”

Many youths in larger cities enthusiast­ically voted for Rouhani when he was re-elected in May, raising expectatio­ns among many in the reform camp. But since then even many of the president’s supporters say he has failed to fulfill his promises for improving an economy sorely hobbled by years of sanctions, corruption and mismanagem­ent.

Even the lifting of economic sanctions under Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with large foreign powers including the United States has not unleashed the growth Rouhani had hoped for, as key sectors remain under the thumb of obscure powers, including religious foundation­s and the country’s Revolution­ary Guards.

The poor economy especially affects Iran’s young people — more than 50 percent of the population is younger than 30, according to official statistics. Officially, youth unemployme­nt is near 20 percent, and experts say it is really closer to 40 percent.

Thoseecono­micfrustra­tions do not appear to have been offset by the greater social freedoms that the president has granted young people.

Under Rouhani, strict Islamic rules have been somewhat relaxed. Concerts have been allowed, and the moral police largely off the streets. Illegal parties are usually no longer raided, although there have been exceptions.

But there is a wide gap between Iran’s changing and modernizin­g society and Iran’s leaders who insist on keeping up their anti-Western policies and state interpreta­tion of Islam.

Rouhani’s decisions not to include any women in his Cabinet, and failure to put a relaxation of rules into law, has made many bitter.

Rouhani has complained that power centers dominated by hard-liners have blocked many of his plans and decisions. Those obstacles to reform have penned up frustratio­ns that are being directed at the political and clerical establishm­ent.

 ?? AHMAD HALABISAZ / SIPA USA / XINHUA ?? The failure of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, a moderate, to deliver greater political changes and economic opportunit­y has led to a boiling over of frustratio­ns, especially from young people.
AHMAD HALABISAZ / SIPA USA / XINHUA The failure of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, a moderate, to deliver greater political changes and economic opportunit­y has led to a boiling over of frustratio­ns, especially from young people.

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