The Palm Beach Post



In my opinion, the standard of play among all players has declined. Players focus on bidding and neglect dummy play and defense.

Today’s deal from the 2017 World Championsh­ips was played 12 times, in the semifinals of three major events. At 10 tables, NorthSouth got to a routine 3NT.

West led a low diamond. When dummy played low, East took the king and shifted to the queen of hearts, and the defense raced off six heart tricks. In the Bermuda Bowl, the deal was tied: plus 300 to EastWest at both tables.

It seems someone would have known about safety plays. Declarer doesn’t want East to get in for a possibly fatal heart shift, so he should put up the ace on the first diamond. If West has the king, he will have it later. The actual fall of the king makes things easy.

If East played low, South could continue with a spade to his jack. He would have many chances to succeed.

In the World Championsh­ips, one (!) declarer made 3NT.


You hold: ♠ Q97 ♥ 95

◆ A75 ♣ KQJ43.Your partner opens one heart, you respond two clubs, he rebids two hearts and you try 2NT. Partner then bids three diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your partner suggests six hearts, four diamonds and minimum opening values. Your 2NT was a bit conservati­ve, but to change your mind and act aggressive­ly now would be undiscipli­ned. Bid three hearts.

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