The Palm Beach Post

Trump stumbles upon the truth of political posturing

- E.J. Dionne Jr. He writes for the Washington Post.

There is a reason bipartisan government is so hard these days. It’s not because “both parties” are intransige­nt or because “both parties” have moved to the “extremes.” It’s because what were once widely seen as moderate, commonsens­e solutions are pushed off the table by a far right that defines compromise as acquiescen­ce.

And since I don’t get to say it often, I want to thank President Donald Trump for making this abundantly clear during the unexpected­ly televised part of his meeting with congressio­nal leaders on Tuesday. At one point, he stumbled into a sensible and compassion­ate approach to the plight of Dreamers — immigrants brought here illegally by their parents when they were children. They have grown up entirely as Americans.

Temporaril­y, the “build a wall” president was transforme­d into a champion of what he called a “bill of love.”

Trump’s excursion into the politics of charity was prompted when Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., asked if he would support a “clean DACA bill.” By this she meant legislatio­n that would maintain President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program without funding a border wall or making any other concession­s to immigratio­n hard liners.

Trump, who had set DACA to expire this March, was ready to roll. “Yeah, I would like to do it,” he said. And he went further, expressing a desire for “comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform” that would legalize the status of the nation’s 11 million undocument­ed immigrants.

It fell to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to remind Trump of his actual position, or at the least the position he has espoused most often, by suggesting politely that “you need to be clear, though . ... You have to have security.”

Trump was pummeled by parts of his right-wing base for embracing the view of former Florida

Gov. Jeb Bush, whom he had derided in 2016 for calling on us to love our immigrant brothers and sisters. Later Tuesday, the president retreated on Twitter: “As I made very clear today our country needs the security of the Wall on the Southern Border, which must be part of any DACA approval.” Of course, if he had been “very clear,” he wouldn’t have needed to send that tweet.

Most of Trump’s critics played his performanc­e as a sign of his ignorance about the issues before him, and, yes, of his own policy commitment­s. It was also an object example of his habit of agreeing with nearly everything everyone says.

There’s a lot to this, but the larger lesson is more important: Progress in many areas where the parties could work together is being blocked because of the need for Trump and the GOP to kowtow to conservati­ve ultras.

In his unguarded moment, Trump simply reflected the belief of the vast majority of Americans that it is ridiculous and cruel to deport the Dreamers.

“Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplish­ed young people who have jobs, some serving in the military?” Trump said last September.

There are arguments between the left and the right worth having. But as Trump made clear, there are many problems we could solve if ideologica­l posturing did not lay such a heavy hand on our politics. We might even find ways to love each other, at least a little bit.

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