The Palm Beach Post

Where are stand-up citizens at FBI, DOJ?


Why should American citizens still trust the FBI or the Department of Justice?

The evidence being revealed by these two agencies, on an almost daily basis, is something that every American should be very concerned about, regardless of his or her political persuasion. There seems no doubt there is corruption, and there has been a violation of the law, and citizens’ civil rights, at the highest levels of both agencies.

But I am bothered that the problem may have much deeper roots than we think.

Every day I hear politician­s and news pundits pontificat­ing about the “hardworkin­g, honest, sincere employees doing their job protecting us, while the corruption is only a few rogue political appointees at the top.” Well, I’m not so sure I believe that. So far there have been half dozen or more staff at the FBI, and several at the DO J named as being suspect.

But they can’t do all this stuff by themselves. Someone has to do the legwork, keep the files, do the communicat­ion, coordinate the meetings, etc. There absolutely have to be other underlings who knew what was going on, yet have not spoken up about it. These are very serious matters that all citizens should be very concerned about.

Much comparison is made to the crimes of Watergate. In that case, if it weren’t for one honest man, much later identified as Mark Felt, No. 2 man at the FBI at the time, leaking informatio­n to the Washington Post reporters, we may have never learned what really happened. Where is the honest man or woman in these agencies with a conscience today?

When some of the rankand-file employees start speaking up, then I will believe these agencies are not totally corrupt. Until then I will be suspicious. CHARLES WEEKS, PALM BEACH GARDENS

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