The Palm Beach Post

Lickspittl­e wing of the GOP is now firmly in charge

- He writes for the Washington Post.

Michael Gerson

According to House Speaker Paul Ryan, the declassifi­ed Devin Nunes memo — alleging FBI misconduct in the Russia investigat­ion — is “not an indictment of the FBI, of the Department of Justice.” According to President Donald Trump, the memo shows how leaders at the FBI “politicize­d the sacred investigat­ive process in favor of Democrats” and “totally vindicates ‘Trump’ in probe.”

Both men are deluded or deceptive.

Releasing the memo — while suppressin­g a dissenting assessment from other members of the House Intelligen­ce Committee — was clearly intended to demonstrat­e that the FBI is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party. The effort ended in a pathetic fizzle. Nunes’ brief, amateurish document failed to demonstrat­e that FBI surveillan­ce was triggered solely or mainly by a Democratic-funded dossier. But for cherry-picking above and beyond the call of duty, Nunes deserves his own exhibit in the hackery hall of fame. This was a true innovation: an intelligen­ce product created and released for the consumptio­n of Fox News.

Trump’s eager publicatio­n of the memo was expected. Yet his action crossed a line: from criticism of the FBI to executive action designed to undermine an ongoing investigat­ion. Trump seems to be testing the waters for direct action against the FBI by testing the limits of what his followers will stomach. So far, there are no limits.

With the blessing of Republican leaders, the lickspittl­e wing of the GOP is now firmly in charge. The existence of reckless partisans such as Nunes is hardly surprising. The nearly uniform cowardice among elected Republican­s is staggering. The Republican-led Congress is now an adjunct of the White House. The White House is now an adjunct of Trump’s chaotic will.

And what to make of Ryan? I have been a consistent defender of his good intentions. But by his recent actions, the speaker has provided political cover for a weakening of the constitu- tional order. He has been used as a tool while loudly insisting he is not a tool. The way Ryan is headed, history offers two possible verdicts: Either he enabled an autocrat, or he was intimidate­d by a fool. I believe Ryan to be a good person. But the greatest source of cynicism is not the existence of corrupt people in politics; it is good people who lose their way.

The political damage to the GOP as the party of corruption and cover-up should be obvious as well. This is a rare case when the rats, rather than deserting a sinking ship, seemed determined to ride it all the way down.

But it is damage to the conscience that is hardest to repair. The Russia investigat­ion is revealing a Trump universe in which ethical considerat­ions did not (and do not) figure at all. By defending Trump’s transgress­ions, by justifying his abuses, Republican­s are creating an atmosphere in which corruption and cowardice thrive.

How can this course be corrected? “You only have one political death,” said the late Rep. John Jacob Rhodes, R-Ariz., “but you can choose when to use it.” Larger showdowns — concerning the possible firings of special counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — now seem likely. If there is nothing for which Paul Ryan and other Republican leaders will risk their careers, there is nothing in which they truly believe.

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