The Palm Beach Post



In the Senior Knockout Teams, a major event at the ACBL Fall NABC, two sponsored teams met in the final: Nick NICKELL (Katz, LevinRosen­berg, Meckstroth­Rodwell) vs. Mike LEVINE (Wold, Clerkin-Clerkin, Jacobus-Passell).

NICKELL led early, fell behind and was fighting back when today’s deal arose. When West for NICKELL opened three spades, North doubled. If East had passed, South might have passed also. But when East redoubled, South unwisely tried four hearts. East-West doubled that and beat it by four tricks, plus 1,100.

West for LEVINE opened one spade, and North doubled. East bid 1NT, artificial­ly showing length in clubs and South competed with two hearts. After two passes, East cue-bid three hearts, and East-West eventually landed at four spades doubled, down two, 500 points more to NICKELL.

NICKELL gained 17 IMPs, but they had losses on other deals and lost the match by 14.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 4 ♥ AK9 ◆ A10 532 ♣ 9 5 4 3. Your partner opens one spade, you respond two diamonds and he bids two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: You have two options, neither satisfacto­ry. You can raise to three hearts, but you would suggest four-card support, and a trump lead against a heart contract might hurt. Limit your strength with a bid of 2NT. You lack a club stopper, but you do have length. Maybe partner will bid again.

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