The Palm Beach Post

Trump sees grief as president and parent

Stiffer background checks, minimum age increase backed.

- By Catherine Lucey

WASHINGTON — Once again, it was the images of children that propelled President Donald Trump to act.

Trump spent the first days after the Feb. 14 school shooting in Florida fixated on the grieving and anguished students and parents.

While at his Florida estate for the long weekend after the shooting, Trump studied the students’ appeals on cable news, listened to their accounts during a visit to a hospital and processed their words not just as a president but as the father of an 11-yearold.

The shooting made “no sense,” Trump has told aides privately, and said the White House had to do something.

A senior administra­tion official, speaking on condition of anonymity to share private conversati­ons, likened the president’s reaction to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students to the impact Trump felt when he saw images of children’s listless bodies after a chemical attack in Syria last April.

Trump ordered airstrikes against the Syrian government. After the shooting in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 people, Trump cast widely for answers. He even embraced some ideas at odds with his allies at the National Rifle Associatio­n.

One idea took root during a dinner last weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort, where the president had put off playing golf for two days on the advice of aides who said golfing so soon after the shooting would be insensitiv­e.

Television personalit­y Geraldo Rivera, who dined with the president and his two older sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, arrived with a pitch: ban people under age 21 from buying assault-type weapons.

Trump took the idea “under advisement,” Rivera, a Fox contributo­r, wrote in an email. And as days passed by, considerat­ion turned into fullblown support.

“The savagery of the wounds inflicted by the AR-15 shocked and distressed him,” Rivera said.

Before the weekend was over, Trump was weighing ideas from imposing new gun controls to arming school officials. He tapped into the thinking of family, aides and outside allies. As the days went on, his list kept growing.

Trump has offered support for strengthen­ing federal background checks, banning “bump stock” type devices like the ones used in the Las Vegas massacre, reopening mental institutio­ns, and having some trained school personnel carry concealed weapons.

That last notion was promoted by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on “Fox and Friends,” a program frequently watched by the president.

In a tweet Saturday, Trump suggested that arming teachers as a deterrent against school shootings is “Up to States” rather than Congress.

Whether Trump’s search ultimately yields significan­t results is an open question.

Much like the Trump presidency, this search for solutions has been an unscripted process playing out on live television and on Twitter.

“There’s a tremendous feeling that we want to get something done,” Trump said Thursday during a discussion with state and local officials. “And we’re leading that feeling, I hope.”

Throughout his meetings, Trump kept coming back to the students.

A week after the Valentine Day’s attack, he hosted an extraordin­ary and cathartic session with surviving students and grieving parents in the White House’s State Dining Room. The unscripted event unfolded as a televised national mourning session.

Trump, never a natural at emotional language, grasped for the right words.

“I know you’ ve been through a lot. Most of you have been through a lot — more than you ever thought possible,” he said. “More than you ever thought humanly possible. And all I can say is that we’re fighting hard for you, and we will not stop. We will not stop. We’re going to get there. And I just grieve for you.”

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