The Palm Beach Post

High court has chance to correct itself on union fees

- He writes for the Washington Post.

George F. Will

Overturnin­g mistaken decisions is an occasional duty of the Supreme Court, whose noblest achievemen­t was the protracted, piecemeal repudiatio­n, with Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and subsequent decisions, of its 1896 ruling that segregated “separate but equal” public facilities were constituti­onal. This Monday, the court will hear oral arguments that probably will presage another overdue correction.

The issue is: Are Mark Janus’ First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and associatio­n (which entails the freedom not to associate) violated when government requires him, an employee, to pay “fair share” or “agency” fees to a private entity, a labor union, to which government has given exclusive power to represent him, although he chooses not to be a member? Janus argues that an exclusive representa­tive “is indistingu­ishable from a government-appointed lobbyist.” The fees are usually significan­tly more than half of — sometimes up to 100 percent of — union dues.

In its 1977 Abood decision, the court upheld such exactions. But the ruling contained the seeds of its coming — by this June — reversal, because it acknowledg­ed this: “There can be no quarrel with the truism that, because public employee unions attempt to influence government­al policymaki­ng, their activities ... may be properly termed political.” So Abood made compulsory political contributi­ons constituti­onal.

For 41 years, the court has advanced the slow-motion undoing of Abood with decisions subjecting various instances of compelled speech to strict scrutiny. For example, in 1983 it held that “speech on public issues occupies the ‘highest rung of the hierarchy of First Amendment values.’” In 2014, the court said it is a “bedrock principle that, except perhaps in the rarest of circumstan­ces, no person in this country may be compelled to subsidize speech by a third party that he or she does not wish to support.”

Abood ignored the inherently political nature of bargaining by government employees’ unions. In America’s 27 right-towork states, employees cannot be forced to join a union as a condition of employment. In the other 23, including Janus’ Illinois, workers must join a union or pay fees. The supposed constituti­onality of this compelled speech rests on the fiction that these fees pay only the costs of collective bargaining, from which the fee payers benefit.

In private-sector collective bargaining, management and labor negotiate about how to distribute companies’ profits. No comparably adversaria­l process exists in the public sector. Government, which acquires its “profits” (revenues) from a third party — taxpayers — “negotiates” with unions that have an interest in government doing what it wants to do anyway: expand. Because government is both employer and policymake­r, collective bargaining by the union is inherently political advocacy and indistingu­ishable from lobbying. Hence in 2012 the court acknowledg­ed that compulsory fees are “compelled speech and associatio­n.” President Franklin Roosevelt was right: “The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplant­ed into the public service.”

Disclosure: This columnist’s wife is an adviser to Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, who filed the lawsuit that became Janus v. AFSCME.

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