The Palm Beach Post

What is this new gun-addled society?


What has become of us? After the tragic massacre in Parkland there was shock and outrage, and then came the thoughts and prayers from our politician­s, along with the routine condemnati­on of disturbed people, and the obligatory support of the Second Amendment.

And then came, once again, the strong public outcry to outlaw assault weapons, which seems to be a perennial nonstarter. And after minimal debate and maximum evasion, a minimal solution was offered, because elections are coming.

Unbelievab­ly we have morphed from sorrow and outrage to acknowledg­ment and acceptance that mass shootings are the new reality: Arm teachers. Have active shooter and lockdown drills. Add armed guards. We can even buy bulletproo­f knapsacks for our kids, although with the understand­ing that they can’t stop a round from an assault weapon.

What kind of society have we become? It seems to mean nothing that the rest of the world doesn’t have such an epidemic of gun deaths, although they, too, have disturbed people.

Our marvelous young people across America, whose message is simple, are saying, “Stop killing us,” and the mourning families of the victims are saying, “Enough.” If not for them this would already be old news.

Don’t let our kids down. America can do better. EUGENE KAUFMAN, BOCA RATON

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