The Palm Beach Post

Trump saves his sweet side for mistresses in skin trade

- She writes for the New York Times.

Maureen Dowd

Why not just go with Dirk Diggler?

I mean, if you’re going to pick a fake name to pay off a porn star you’ve dallied with, why choose something bland like

David Dennison?

If you are, after all, Donald Trump, the king of grandiosit­y, go for a name worthy of being Stormy Daniels’ real-life co-star.

A proper moniker is in order if Trump is to be our first porn president.

Kim Jong Un can drag him away for talks about the relative size of their nuclear buttons. Robert Mueller can continue his imperturba­ble march through the Trump family’s field of lies. But Donald Trump will not be deterred. He is determined to be our most shameless president, running a White House awash in salacious stories.

Asked by reporters Wednesday how Republican­s would have responded if President Barack Obama had been charged with cavorting with a porn star (right after his wife had a baby, no less), Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana replied, “I don’t know,” adding, “This is no country for creepy old men.”

Trump’s love life, it seems, boasts more pseudonyms than Frank Abagnale Jr.

Stormy Daniels’ real name is Stephanie Clifford, but she was called Peggy Peterson, or “P.P.” (shades of the dossier!), and Trump was referred to as David Dennison in the 2016 legal agreement Trump lawyer Michael Cohen drew up to buy her silence before the election for $130,000.

Stormy, the star of

2016’s “Sex Bots: Programmed for Pleasure,” has learned to be litigious from the master. She sued, claiming the agreement is null and void because Trump, aka John Barron, John Miller and David Dennison, didn’t sign it. But Cohen slapped a restrainin­g order on the actress, even as she sat for a “60 Minutes” segment with Anderson Cooper.

Alana Evans, another blond porn actress, who has appeared in “It’s Okay! She’s My Mother in Law 13,” claims that Trump told her she should come along to his hotel room with Stormy that weekend in 2006 at the Lake Tahoe golf tournament, but she didn’t.

Jessica Drake, yet another porn actress, who starred in “Massage School Dropouts,” appeared with Gloria Allred the month before the presidenti­al election to accuse Trump of kissing her without permission and offering to pay her for sex at the SAME golf tournament, a charge Trump denied.

The president, who often seems short-tempered, nasty and impatient and who has certainly been disrespect­ful to his wife, showed his sweet side to his mistresses in the skin trade.

He took time out from showing Stormy a picture of himself on the cover of a magazine, according to her interview in In Touch Weekly, to ask her about her work in porn.

“He was very curious,” she said. “Not necessaril­y about the sex or anything like that, but business questions.”

The Stormy episode is the kind of embarrassi­ng episode that Trump wiggled out of for decades, denying he knew women who accused him, playing the angles to kill stories.

But times have changed, post-Weinstein. Trump and the Republican Party are facing a gender chasm.

Women are lining up not just to vote, but to run for office. In Texas alone last Tuesday, 25 Democratic women won primaries or advanced to a runoff.

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