The Palm Beach Post

Poem reminds visitors to use the guest towels

- Jeanne Phillips Dear Abby Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Dear Abby: I’m frustrated that guests in my home almost never use the guest towels I’ve put out for them in the bathroom. Why do they do this?

I remember a little poem in your column that addresses this. I’d like to clip it and put it in there next to the towels. Please print it again! — Good Hostess in Clover, S.C.

Dear Hostess: With pleasure — here it is:


by Mabel Craddock

Please use me, Guest; Don’t hesitate.

Don’t turn your back Or vacillate.

Don’t dry your hands On petticoat, On handkerchi­ef, Or redingote.

I’m here to use;

I’m made for drying. Just hanging here Gets very tiring.

I thought the poem was clever enough when I first saw it that many of you would enjoy it.

After it appeared, many readers thanked me for printing it. Some said they’d framed and hung it in the bathroom their guests used. (Problem solved!) I hear from many readers asking me to rerun articles that hold meaning for them. Some say the articles have been saved until they are yellowed with age and falling apart. Eventually, it was suggested they be put together in a booklet. Since so many readers kept the items to re-read, the booklet is titled “Keepers.” It can be ordered by sending your name and mailing address, plus a check or money order for $7 (U.S. Funds), to

Dear Abby, Keepers

Booklet, P.O. Box 447,

Mount Morris, IL 610540447. Shipping and handling are included in the price. Filled with clever observatio­ns, “Keepers” is both witty and philosophi­cal. It contains poems, essays and letters on subjects as diverse as children, parents, human nature, philosophy and death. It’s a quick and easy read as well as an inexpensiv­e gift for newly married couples, pet lovers, new parents, and anyone grieving or recovering from an illness.

Dear Abby: Do you think it is right that my parents disowned me because I’m seeing a guy they don’t like? I don’t think it is. I’m 25, and I live on my own with my son. — Not Right in Washington

Dear Not Right: Not knowing the guy or your parents’ reason for disliking him, I can only suggest that their reaction seems extreme. By age 25 you should be mature enough to decide something like this without being emotionall­y blackmaile­d. Please recognize that if you give in to this, they will be making your decisions for you until they are no longer on this side of the sod.

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